Decimals to Fractions & Percents Fractions to Decimals & Percents Percents to Decimals & Fractions Comparing and Ordering Estimating & Exact % of Numbers Decimals to Fractions & Percents Fractions to Decimals & Percents $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 Final Jeopardy $500 $500 $500 $500
.65 to a fraction and percent
C1? $100 What is 13/20 and 65%?
.32 as a fraction and percent
C1 $200 What is 8/25 and 32%?
1.35 as a mixed number and percent
C1 $300 What is 1 7/25 and 135%?
C1 $400 In a survey, 9 out of 15 students named math as their favorite class. Express this as a fraction, decimal, and percent.
C1 $400 What is 3/5, .6, and 60%?
.12% written as a decimal and fraction, in lowest terms? C1 final The final Jeopardy answer is: .12% written as a decimal and fraction, in lowest terms? Timer
C1 final What is .0012 and 3/2,500 (from 12/10,000)?
21/25 as a decimal and percent
C2 $100 What is .84 and 84%?
7/8 as a decimal and percent
C2 $200 What is .875 and 87.5%?
2 2/5 as a decimal and percent
C2 $300 What is 2.4 and 240%?
4 1/5 as a decimal and percent
C2 $400 What is 4.2 and 420%?
6 2/3 as a decimal and percent
C2 $500 What is 6.6 and 666.6%?
108% written as a decimal and mixed number, in lowest terms
C3 $100 What is 1 2/25 and 1.08?
355% written as a decimal and mixed number, in lowest terms
C3 $200 What is 3.55 and 3 11/20?
.005% written as a decimal and fraction, in lowest terms.
C3 $300 What is .00005 and 1/20,000?
C3 $400 225 is 75% of what number
C3 $400 What is 300?
C3 $500 Isabel ran 9 miles with her friend, Kaylee, last week. This was 60% of the distance she ran all week. How far did she run last week?
C3 $500 What is 15 miles?
C4 $100 >, <, or = 4/6 and 70%
What is less than (<)? C4 $100 What is less than (<)?
C4 $200 >, <, or = .62 and 4/7
What is greater than (>)? C4 $200 What is greater than (>)?
Put these in order from least to greatest. C4 $300 Put these in order from least to greatest. .4, 5/8, 38%
C4 $300 What is 38%, .4, 5/8?
Put these in order from least to greatest. C4 $400 Put these in order from least to greatest. 5/8, 3/4 1/2, 9/16
C4 $400 What is 1/2, 9/16, 5/8, 3/4?
C4 $500 45 is 60% of what?
C4 $500 What is 75?
(calculator for exact) 21% of 148? (calculator for exact)
C5 $100 What is 30 and 31.08?
(calculator for exact) 39% of 62? (calculator for exact)
C5 $200 What is 24 and 24.18?
(calculator for exact) 11% of 87? (calculator for exact)
C5 $300 What is 9 and 9.57?
C5 $400 26% of 363?
C5 $400 What is 90 and 94.38?
C5 $500 240 is 60% of what number?
C5 $500 What is 400?
This Jeopardy game was created by (Mr. Henry) Good luck on your test!