How to Pitch DB According to Tore Byström
How to Pitch: Decision Base
How to Pitch DB to a new client Please take a look at the little video featuring Tore Byström explaining ways of pitching Decision Base to a client. On the following slides you will see what you need to perform the same pitch: You need three sales pitch cards You need page 17 in the learning guide – the forecast You need the various production ”shops” You find the cards in a PDF file on the partner web, together with this PPT as well as the video featuring Tore explaining the pitch.
You need these three (3) sales pitch cards Please note: These are not cards from the original and true Decision Base card deck. You can find a PDF file of these cards on the partner web. (add link if possible?) Print them as you like them, in what paper quality you prefer. (Or, just use a slide with these cards!)
You need the Forecast page (p.17) in the Decision Base Learning Guide
Three different shops; line shop, flow shop, job shop Print from the pdf file that you find on the partner web or use a slide like this one!
Good luck!