21-04-2004 Ture Hammar Danish Energy Authority Complex Solution of Energy and Ecology Problems of Enterprises and Municipalities Yalta, Ukraine May 23-27.


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Presentation transcript:

Ture Hammar Danish Energy Authority Complex Solution of Energy and Ecology Problems of Enterprises and Municipalities Yalta, Ukraine May ENERGY EFFICIENCY POLICIES IN EUROPE - RECENT DEVELOPMENTS

Overview of presentation 1.Outlook for European energy supply 2.Energy efficiency potentials in Europe 3.The win-win opportunities 4.Danish experience & action plan 5.Priorities in the EU green paper for energy efficiency 6.Project ideas for co-operation with Ukraine

Outlook for European energy supply 50 % energy import, growth to 70% Import grew 20% Still high energy intensity in sectors & regions e.g. twice the average in new EU member states Oil & gas prices fluctuating, growing Oil prices set new records this spring Security of energy supply essential Interruption of gas pipelines EU Kyoto commitment minus 8% before GHG emissions grew 4% EU Lisbon criteria Economic growth & sustainable development Win-win-win opportunities?

Energy efficiency potential EU 20% of energy use could be saved cost/effectively In Central & Eastern Europe the potential is much higher Huge potential in buildings, DH network and CHP stations (source: K. Brendow)

Energy efficiency potential SegmentPotential Buildings & infrastructure Huge potential in old building stock Limited feasibility New buildings can be energy saving New infrastructure fits modern comfort Industry Potential released when new industry is established Energy audits important Energy supply Potential found by identifying CHP, renewable energy, grid losses Design of supportive market regulation Traded goods Lifetime of traded goods 5-15 years Easy to release potential

Energy efficiency efforts - examples SegmentActivityPolicies & Measures Buildings & infrastructure renewal Insulation & technology behaviour rehabilitation of infrastructure information local organisation Regulation, codes tariffs, subsidies, taxes Industry modernisation clean & efficient technology energy audits investment schemes emission trade Energy supply renewable energy modern CHP & HOBs distributed generation targets market regulation subsidy schemes Traded goods Introduce efficient appliances & equipment Scrap inefficient goods Information, labelling Minimum standards Economic incentives

Danish energy conservation potential End-useFinal energy use 2003 (PJ) Socio-economic potential up to 2015 Private-economic potential (%) %PJTodayUp to 2015 Space217,624 %51,318 %47 % Industry66,525 %16,513 %27 % Light24,024 %5,719 %60 % Cool/frz15,128 %4,310 %35 % El motors12,415 %1,910 %30 % Ventil11,940 %4,813 %38 % Pumps8,435 %2,914 %42 % Other71,324 %17,211 %33 % Total427,224 %104,516 %42 %

Space heating in Denmark

Examples of good practice in Denmark Energy conservation law cover all policies & measures, annual update Energy efficiency action plan in 2005 Good results in the housing sector Energy labelling of houses (certificates) District heating, CHP and renewables strong combination CHP covers 60%, wind power 25% of total electricity use Electricity Saving Trust great success Efficient appliances have taken over the market

Energy label for houses

Overview of presentation

Cogeneration in Europe: % of National Electricity Production

Electricity Production by Type of Producer

Electricity saving campaigns Lighting Electricity saving multi-plug School education Reduction of stand-by consumption Efficient ventilation A-labelled lighting bulbs Converting electric to gas heating Converting electric to district heating Efficient white goods (fridge/freezers)

EU energy efficiency green paper I EU prepares green paper before summer 2005 High level committee New action needed: Energy services: energy audits energy efficiency funding & contracting & clearinghouse metering, billing, tariffs public procurement white certificates

EU energy efficiency green paper II ECO design standards appliances boilers stand by ( power supplies pumps electric motors Labelling Installed equipment Building products

EU energy efficiency green paper III More measures strengthening requirements to existing buildings awareness campaigns agreements concerning industrial processes targets for CHP & market mechanisms - and much other: transport, taxation, etc.

Perspectives to Ukraine Many policies & measures to be adopted – and many of them are win-win opportunities: benefits for economy, environment, security, and life quality improvement - e.g. through increasing employment One idea could be market transformation for appliances, equipment etc. by introducing energy labelling & efficiency standards & awareness campaigns Another idea could be to introduce requirements to the efficiency of new and existing building stock THANK YOU