Spitting Back What He’s Spit at You How to Study for Marmorstein Exams Part III General Ideas for Midterm I Essays
Preparing the 16th-17th Century Science Materials You can get by with six sections to this essay, one each on Harvey, Copernicus, Tycho Brache, Kepler, Galileo and Newton. Start each paragraph of your essay with a good topic sentence noting whether each man was supported or hindered by the scientific and/or religious communities. Make it clear what this man contributed to science, and then give an example or two of the way this man was helped or hindered by the scientific community.
16th and 17th Century England Start with a paragraph or two describing the problems faced by England in the 17th century and comparing them to those faced by the rest of Europe. Note how Henry VIII’s policies added a particularly bad religious problem to the mix. Prepare paragraphs on Elizabeth I, James I, Charles I, Cromwell, Charles II, James II and William and Mary. Be sure to include an evaluation of this ruler’s success or lack thereof in addressing English problems. Topic sentences are a good place for your evaluation of the ruler.
Preparing the Hobbes, Bossuet and Locke Material There should be three sections to this essay, one each on Hobbes, Bossuet, and Locke. Devote a paragraph or two to each thinker’s ideas on government. In the case of Bossuet and Hobbes, give their argument for strong government. In the case of Locke, make it clear what he had to say in defense of limited government. Make it clear what you consider the strengths and weaknesses of each argument. Be sure to include the ideas of each thinker on religious freedom?
Preparing the Bacon, Descartes, and Pascal Material Prepare three sections to your essay, one each on Bacon, Descartes and Pascal. With each thinker, give devote a couple of paragraphs to describing their basic method. With each thinker, devote a couple of paragraphs to describing the strengths and weaknesses of their methods. To what extent were they successful in providing order and assurance? Where do they come up short?
Preparing the Baroque Artists and Musicians Material See the summary’s online on my Web page. Search for “I’m Ancient History, click on the History 122 link, click on notes and outlines, and you’ll find the material you need. Take that Goliath!