“Amnesia on the Day of Remembrance!” Mark 14:3-9
Amnesia: comes from two words 1) remember; 2) not
Might I suggest that such incidents in our lives help us to appreciate the gift of memory given to us by God…
Without our memories we would not relive past blessings, keep from repeating past plunders or be able to remember to give recognition of our indebtedness to others…
This last attribute of the gift of memory I just mentioned is the main reason behind Memorial Day…
Purpose: to see the appropriateness behind our remembering those to whom we are indebted
I Remembrance for the Dead A. The Woman in our Text
What Mary does causes raised eyebrows…
I Remembrance for the Dead A. The Woman in our Text B. The Founders of our Nation
“With a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor.”
I Remembrance for the Dead A. The Woman in our Text B. The Founders of our Nation C. The Defenders of our Nation
How appropriate to remember those who died defending our country… For over a century, America has been observing Memorial Day…
I Remembrance for the Dead A. The Woman in our Text B. The Founders of our Nation C. The Defenders of our Nation D. The Defenders of “The Faith”
We read about a “great crowd of witnesses” in Hebrews 11-12…
“The memory of the righteous is a blessing.” Proverbs 10:7 “The memory of the righteous is a blessing.”
II Remembrance for the Living A. Jesus Commends Mary for Her Worship/Gratitude
What prompted Mary to do what she did in our text?
II Remembrance for the Living A. Jesus Commends Mary for Her Worship/Gratitude B. The Living Deserve Thanks No Less Than the Dead
Send me all your roses now, Ere pink, ere white, ere red Send me all your roses now, Ere pink, ere white, ere red. I’d rather have one blossom now, Than a truckload when I’m dead.
Gen. Ulysses S. Grant at the Battle of Cold Harbor In June, 1964, Grant was going through the ranks of the Union army during the second battle of Cold Harbor. What he saw shocked him… Gen. Ulysses S. Grant at the Battle of Cold Harbor
Summary and Conclusion: A more pressing question, however, is will we accomplish our purpose today?! Here at the Church of Christ in Eaton, we have a Memorial Day every Sunday. Like the first Church, we gather the first day of the week to be reminded of the dead and of the living…