Being Respectful Even Though You Don’t Feel Respected By R. Glenn Ray, PhD
What Do Respectful People Do? What did the most respectful person you have known do?
Facilitative Leader Modes Enabler of Change Respectful Communicator Developer of People and Teams Master of Problem-Solving Tools Manager of Conflict
Disrespect is created and grows during periods of change and stress.
The Demographics of Change
Words are arbitrary symbol systems with no inherent meaning of their own.
The way we treat each other feedsforward in future positive or negative relationships.
It is more important how you interpret my message than the message I intend to send.
People act upon what they perceive the message to be rather than the intention of the message.
People act upon what they perceive the message to be rather than the intention of the message.
Metacommunication A leader and his/her staff talking about how they talk.
Stephen Covey First seek to understand, and then seek to be understood.
When you get information ask yourself, “Who needs or wants this information?
Be Honest and Open Don’t Play Power Games with your communication.
Mastering Our Path to Action Event Story Emotion Action
Feedback Script Positive Constructive
Feedback Script E Event F Feelings about Event A desired future Actions B Business needs
Key Learnings What did you learn today?