Childhood Growth and Motor Development
Question What are typical movement, cognitive and affective characteristics of children?
Childhood Development Characteristics Motor Characteristics Movement Cognitive Characteristics Intellectual Affective Characteristics Social-emotional
Early Childhood Development Motor Characteristics (Age: 3-8 yrs.) Perceptual motor abilities are rapidly developing Confusion often exist in body, directional, temporal and spatial awareness Moving to the left or right Children are rapidly developing and refining fundamental movement abilities.
Early Childhood Development Motor Characteristics (Age: 3-8 yrs.) Children are active and energetic and would often rather run than walk. Gross motor control is developing rapidly and generally occurs sooner than fine motor control.
Early Childhood Development Cognitive Characteristics (Age: 3-8 yrs.) Children are increasing able to express their thoughts and ideas verbally. Fantastic imagination enable children to imitate both actions and symbols with little concern for accuracy or the proper sequencing of events. Children learn the “how” and “why” of their actions through active play.
Early Childhood Development Affective Characteristics (Age: 3-8 yrs.) Early childhood generally egocentric and assume that everyone thinks the way they do. Often seem to be quarrelsome and exhibit difficulty in sharing and getting along with others. Example: Standing in line for drill
Early Childhood Development Affective Characteristics (Age: 3-8 yrs.) Fearful of new situations, shy, self-conscious and unwilling to leave the security of what is familiar. They are often non-conforming and irregular in their behavior. Self concept is rapidly developing. Important to provide success oriented experiences and positive reinforcement. Build their sense of competence.
Late Childhood Development (Age: 8-12 yrs.) They are generally happy, stable and able to assume responsibilities and cope with new situations. Eager to learn more about themselves. Enthusiastically test their developing skills and have a wide range of interest.
Late Childhood Development Motor Characteristics (Age: 8-12 yrs.) Growth is slow, but steady Girls are generally more developed physiologically. Hand preference is firmly established, 90% preferring right hand. Full of energy but have low endurance level. But response to training is great. Competence develops rapidly if children have ample opportunities for practice, quality of individualized instruction and positive encouragement.
Late Childhood Development Cognitive Characteristics (Age: 8-12 yrs.) Children attention is often very focused, especially if they are personally interested. They are intellectually curious. Children eager to learn and please adults They need assistance and guidance in decision making. They have good imaginations, but are self conscious.
Late Childhood Development Affective Characteristics (Age: 8-12 yrs.) Enjoy self testing activities as a means of trying out and testing their developing skills Promotion requirements Competition Large group interaction and concept of team work improves during this period
Late Childhood Development Affective Characteristics (Age: 8-12 yrs.) They are often aggressive, boastful, self critical and over reactive Without effective adult interaction, they accept both victory and defeat poorly. Children are responsive to authority and are critically conscious of what is “fair”. Children are adventurous and eager to be involved with friends in “dangerous” or ‘secret” activities.