Equipping patients to self-manage safely Improving Patient Safety & Care conference Equipping patients to self-manage safely 6 Feb 2019
Key factors Knowledge Confidence Help on hand
Customisable NHS Lothians, Paed. Diabetes NHS Grampian, Adult Diabetes UHMB Trust, Maternity NHS Ayrshire, Respiratory GP surgery
Everything in one place, simple to use News, Events, Twitter, Facebook, Contacts, Handbook Letters, Leaflets, Local info, National info, Video, Links, PDFs Relevant messaging & reminders: Push Notifications to all/ some/ individuals Feedback channel
Targeted Notifications Create your own Notification groups in real time
Feedback 1
Feedback 2
Analytics Ayrshire & Arran paediatric diabetes app: 770 Downloads 19 months after launch (vs approx 230 PD families in region) Daily visitors and page views
Clinician feedback Dr Scott Williamson, Consultant Paediatrician (Ayrshire & Arran paediatric diabetes app): What impact has the app had? – “Within 3 months most families have at least one copy of app on their devices. Clear evidence from the dashboard of app being opened when messages sent out.” How popular is it with parents, staff members? – “Excellent feedback through in-app survey and personal comments eg ‘great place to have handy information about diabetes and contact details for emergencies’ [In-app survey results: 100% of respondents Liked the app/ would recommend it to a friend] How easy is it to use? – “Very easy to navigate. Intuitive home screen menu” Service levels from Piota? – “Quick replies to requests, app development and improvement process very efficient” Overall – “The best way we have found so far of sending out mass mailings to cover our clinic population. Easy to change and update information. Web dashboard makes it very easy to edit.”
Highly Commended QiC Award Ayrshire & Arran paediatric diabetes app: runner up in October 2018 QiC Awards. Judge’s comments: "This smartphone app addresses a big everyday problem of ensuring parents of children with type 1 diabetes have easy access to the most up to date information. This is a much more effective system than most local arrangements - a single channel of communication, rather than bombarding people with lots of messages on multiple channels, hoping they will use one. The judges said that this small clinic in the west of Scotland should be congratulated for their technical expertise and determination in developing the app, and also for identifying a real need among their service users."
Summary Upgrade from email/ paper/ texts/ phone/ website/ Whatsapp/ FB/ Twitter Better service to patients, families, carers Saves time and cost Feedback channel 25 live examples in LTCs and other NHS services ??? Person-Centred Care Self-management Digital Transformation Continuity of care Delay onset Reduce admissions Earlier discharge
Benefits For patients, carers, families: Free download Android and Apple Phones and tablets 95%+ smartphone penetration Easy to use For NHS service/ provider: Website console 15 mins to learn Direct control of everything on app Time and cost savings “Makes my life easier” “1. Better patient experience. 2. Saves time and cost.”
2-4 hours of staff time, no integration with existing IT Free Trial ‘Version 1’ app and console in 2 days Short call: Q&A, training Test with colleagues, patients We rebuild Version 2 if needed 2-4 hours of staff time, no integration with existing IT Version 1 Version 2
Cost Patients £ (licence p.a.) £ (set up fee) 0-500 1,500 250 500-3,000 2,500 400 3,000+ Discuss After Free Trial: 3 year contract Annual licence fee based on likely download numbers Year 1 set up fee Partner agreements (multiple apps for Trust or other provider): Trial in one service, roll out in many Volume discounts
Legal & Technical Apps can be 100% public or 100% private, or any mix Fully GDPR compliant NHS partner is the Data Controller, Piota the Data Processor 4-6 new app version releases p.a. Piota Apps: 4 years, London and Essex 400+ school apps 25 NHS apps Ayrshire & Arran PD app runner up in QiC Diabetes 2018
“Put It On The App” Please contact us for your Free Trial: James Dickson jdickson@piota.co.uk 07726 224 060 www.piota.co.uk