Reading Mabo LWZ100B
Case Name Names of the Parties Headnote
AGLC Case Name Mabo v Queensland (No 2) Put the case name in italics Use only first plaintiff and first defendant, do not include ‘and others’. Use a ‘v’ between the parties Use State name, don’t write ‘State of’ (eg. Queensland, not ‘State of Queensland’) Include the number, but no full stop and use round brackets. Mabo v Queensland (No 2)
Case Name Headnote Catchwords
Case Name Headnote Dates in Court
Case Name Headnote Judges who heard the case
summary of material facts Case Name Headnote summary of material facts
ratio decidendi
Procedural History How did this case come to be decided by the court? ‘brought an action’ – commenced proceedings – started a court case Appellate jurisdiction / original jurisdiction Superior courts / inferior courts
Material facts: What are the material facts? The material facts will reveal the relevant legal rules
End of Headnote
CLR = authorised decisions of the HCA Other report formats The Mabo case we just looked at was a CLR – Commonwealth Law Report CLR = authorised decisions of the HCA Cases may be written up in other reports Such as ALR, Austlii