Starter: Starter: How is this 16 year old both How is this 16 year old both like and yet not like yourself? like and yet not like yourself?(compare/contrast)
The American Civil War Part 1: Causes SS8H6: Explain the importance of key issues and events that led to the Civil War.
Essential Question How did certain issues and events both delay the outset of secession and also cause the war?
Essay Question #1 Explain the causes of the American Civil War. Be sure to include fundamental and immediate causes as well as the various compromises that kept the union together through the first half of the 19 th century.
Fundamental Causes Causes that develop over a long time. Provide an example:
1. Economics (R side) Differences in the Norths and Souths economies led to sectional (regional) disagreements: particularly over the issue of tariffs on manufactured goods. The North favored them, the South hated them. Why?
Write a Costas question for number 1 (Economics) Begin with How did…
2. Slavery (R side) Abolitionist in New England wanted to end slavery everywhere in the US. However, much of the Southern economic system was dependent on slave labor. Initially, Lincoln did not go to war to end slavery but, the issue became more important as the war went on. (Evidence?)
Write a Costas question for number 2 (slavery)
3. States Rights The South had always been worried about an overly powerful federal/central government (Washington, D.C.). The South believed that the state governments were sovereign within their own borders. (What is federalism?)
Write a Costas question for number 3 (states rights)
4. Western Expansion New states entered the Union as either free or slave. A series of compromises were built around the entry of new states such as Maine, Missouri, California, Kansas, Nebraska, etc. (List two of these compromises)
Write a Costas question for number 4 (Western Expansion)
Compromises that kept the Union together until the election of 1860 Missouri Compromise (1820) Compromise of 1850 (What does it mean to compromise?)
Missouri Compromise
These compromises basically kept political power in Congress equally balanced between the sections (regions) on a slave/free basis.
Nullification Crises: 1832
Kansas-Nebraska Act 1854-This Act (law) let the people of the Nebraska Territory (which was split into the new states of Kansas and Nebraska) decide for themselves if they would permit slavery in their states. This was the beginning of the end.
Question: Why was the admission of new states such a big deal to each region? (hint: How are states represented in the Federal Government?)
Example Question: Texas was almost admitted as four different states. How would this have been a political advantage to the South?
Dred Scott Case Dred Scott was a slave. In 1834 he was taken by his owner to free soil. Scott filed a lawsuit in federal court claiming he was free. Supreme Court ruled against Scott. As property he had no rights. Case raised tensions over slavery issue.
Immediate Causes These causes happen just before an event and act as a trigger. Provide an example of a trigger event.
The Election of 1860 Abraham Lincolns election in 1860 was the trigger event that caused the deep south states to secede. The South feared Lincoln would attempt to end slavery in the South even though he had promised not to do so.
Summarize: Answer the essential question (be sure to include both fundamental/trigger causes).