1861-1865 THE AMERICAN CIVIL WAR This Powerpoint is hosted on www.worldofteaching.com Please visit for 100’s more free powerpoints
What were the Union States? What were the Confederate states? Before we begin. . . What were the Union States? What were the Confederate states? Use your colored map on text pg 106 & House Divided WS
UNION STATES Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Ohio, Wisconsin, Michigan, Minnesota, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Oregon, California Border States-Missouri, Kentucky, West Virginia, Maryland, Delaware
CONFEDERATE STATES Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, Texas, Arkansas, Georgia, Louisiana, Virginia
The Civil War: Union vs Confederacy
Confederate Union See & Read text pages 108-109
Add academic Vocab Civil War- U.S. war between North (Union) and South (Confederacy) Union- North of US containing 19 states + 5 border states during Civil War Confederate States of Amer.- 11 Southern States that seceded (left) the Union border states- slave states that stayed in the Union. These states were Missouri, Kentucky, Maryland, Delaware
What were the causes of the Civil War?? States’ Rights-Tariffs (Taxes) Conflicts over Slavery Abraham Lincoln elected 16th President Find this in your journal…you should already have this
States’ Rights regarding taxation and slavery CAUSE #1 States’ Rights regarding taxation and slavery
CAUSE #2:Abolitionism/Slavery
CAUSE #3 Election of Lincoln Southern States felt they were bullied by the North when he was elected
1860 Election Results
1860 Election: A Nation Coming Apart?!
The first States secede
The war begins - the firing on Fort Sumter
Fort Sumter: April 12, 1861
Fort Sumter
Read textbook pg. 114 Take notes on following slides in journal
Advantages of the Union (North) More people More railroad lines More factories Notes for journal
Advantages of the Confederacy(South) Better military leaders Most of war fought in South on familiar land Notes for journal
Technology made Civil War . . . The Monitor
More efficient and deadly
First metal ships in world!
Confederate Weapons
Union Weapons
Pass bullets around class
Take out your House Divided WS Who are the Famous Generals? Read text pgs. 115-119 Take out your House Divided WS Who are the Famous Generals? North=Gen. Ulysses S. Grant South=Gen. Robert E. Lee HW-wkbk pgs 41 & 43
Pg. 43 1. border states 2. casualties 3. draft 4. emancipation 8. free Emancipation Proclamation Slavery Vicksburg Gettysburg Address
Emancipation Proclamation It freed the slaves only in states that have seceded from the Union. It did not free slaves in border states. 1863 Emancipation = freedom Add to notes
Blacks in the Military After the Emancipation Proclamation blacks began to join the Union Army Initially they were only used for manual labor Eventually, Blacks saw live combat 54th regiment out of Massachusetts William Carney 32
Vicksburg and Gettysburg were 2 important battles won by the Union Add to A House Divided WS Union-Gettysburg, Vicksburg Confederate-Fort Sumter, Bull Run
Gettysburg – turning point Gettysburg is the largest battle in the history of the Western hemisphere. Over 100, 000 people died in 3 days. It was the last time the South invaded the North.
Gettysburg Address Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. -Abraham Lincoln (text pages 120-121) http://www.americanrhetoric.com/speeches/gettysburgaddress.htm
Add graphic organizer to notes and complete -below Read text pgs. 122-125 Add graphic organizer to notes and complete -below Women took on new tasks boring ate poorly BOTH- People missed relatives and friends
VIP Tab Book Clara Barton- nursed sick and wounded soldiers during the Civil War, later found American Red Cross General Ulysses S. Grant- leader of the Union troops, later became president General Robert E. Lee- leader of the Confederate troops
Union-HOUSE DIVIDED WS President-Abraham Lincoln Famous Generals-Ulysses S. Grant, Gen. T. Sherman Battle Victories-Gettysburg, Vicksburg Causes-South seceded; Fort Sumter attacked by South
Confederate on HOUSE DIVIDED President-Jefferson Davis Famous Generals-Robert E. Lee Famous Battle Victories-Fort Sumter, Bull Run Causes of the War-states’ rights concerning tariffs and slavery; Lincoln became president
Over 618,000 military deaths during Civil War.
After four bloody years of civil war, the South was defeated. On slide: Graphic. Click 1: After four bloody years… Click to next slide.
Civil War ended when Lee surrendered to Grant at APPOMATTOX COURT HOUSE
Read text pgs. 130-131
End of Civil War 1861-Civil War Begins 1863-Emancipation Proclamation & Battles of Gettysburg & Vicksburg 1864-General Sherman’s March to Sea 1865-Lee Surrenders & Civil War Ends Add to notes in journal
Text pg. 132-135 TN connection
Reconstruction 1865-1877 Reconstruction – time after the Civil War of rebuilding the country after the South rejoined the Union Add to Academic Vocabulary
Lincoln is assassinated-1865
Reconstruction Amendments Free Citizens Vote 13th – abolished slavery 14th - Everyone born in U.S. has rights as citizens 15th -All men right to vote no matter color Add to notes in journal
Remember the Reconstruction Amendments this way: Free Citizens Vote!
Study Guide Study all notes & flipbooks Importance of slavery to South Write in Journal Study all notes & flipbooks Importance of slavery to South Know causes of war Famous people involved Abolitionists and their part Why South seceded (states’ rights & slavery) What was Reconstruction & plan