Job Skills Training For Students Seeking a Job Preparation for a Job and Future Career
Why take this Test? Many companies, stores, and restaurants are looking for specific professional skills in potential employees. To help you learn what employers are looking for, we prepared a Job Skills Training for you. Take the time to learn the professional skills you need on the video. Complete the test at the end of this training. Come to The College and Career Center to pick up a personal recommendation letter to add to your resume/job application. One more reason to do this was brought up recently, “With minimum wage on the rise, many jobs that traditionally were filled by teens are now being filled with people over 25 years old. Older job applicants posses both hard and soft/professional skills. They are being hired more often than young people!” quote by Lynn Snodgrass, CEO Gresham Chamber of Commerce. We hope that with a little effort, practice, and Job Skills Training, your resume/job application and interview will stand-out above the rest and help land you a job.
You Can Learn Hard Skills Hard skills are the skills you need to complete a job. For example; A chef must be able to cook A lifeguard must be able to swim Clerk must be able to use a cash register These skills are taught on the job. Hard Skills are needed, but you need one more set of skills to be successful.
Soft/Professional Skills are Also Relationship Skills Soft skills are personal skills that are needed to work with customers, clients, and coworkers. There are many of them, but we are going to concentrate on the top 5 soft/professional skills that will help you to be the right person for the job: Strong Work Ethics Flexibility Communication Skills Being a Team Player Positive Attitude
To Be Successful You Must master the Top 5 Soft/professional Skills In less than 15 minutes you can watch this video and learn more about the top 5 soft/professional skills employers are looking for: Video Thanks to- Express Employment Porfessionals
Job Skills Training Test After you have watched the video as many times as you need to retain information, you may take this Job Skills Training Test. WanhipiGyx45myVrNb0i8_4w/viewform After you complete this test with a score of 25 or better, you can bring results to the College and Career Center to receive a letter of recommendation to add to your job application and resume. Showing your possible employer that you understand both hard and soft/professional skills will help you be a good candidate for the job. You will be successful if you use the 5 skills taught in this training and you learn the hard skills needed for your new job. The College and Career Center wishes you good luck in landing a job!