Bureau of Economic Geology, The University of Texas at Austin Energy Tradeoffs Oil & Money 2011
©CEE/BEG-UT, 2 Change in shares of net generation, , % (2010 net generation share, %) 10 (23)1 (20)2 (4)0 (0) -8 (44)-1 (1)-3 (7)
©CEE/BEG-UT, 3 CEE Model (cents/kWh) Capital and O&M costs are based on U.S. EIAs Nov 2010 report: NOTE: Excludes grid costs
©CEE/BEG-UT, 4 CEE Approach (Natural Gas) Assessment of probabilities and time frames for each factor Evaluation of second or higher order drivers (e.g., RPS mandates, tax credits, feed-in-tariffs, coal exports, nuclear policies and finance, consumer behavior, macroeconomics & demographics)
©CEE/BEG-UT, 5 An Energy Web Increasingly Better
©CEE/BEG-UT, Impact (Scale) Energy Security Safety Reliability Market Friendly Envt (Air) Envt (Land, Water) GHG (Climate) An Energy Web
©CEE/BEG-UT, 7 What are YOUR scores?