Transport is one of the key sectors that play crucial roles in achieving the goals of poverty eradication and sustainable development. Indeed, it affects attainment of all eight Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) The Sub-Saharan Africa Transport Policy Program (SSATP) is a unique partnership of 36 African countries, 8 regional economic communities, 3 African institutions, and many national and international development partners - all dedicated to ensuring that the transport sector fosters Africa's poverty reduction, pro-poor growth, and regional integration.
PAST Before the 1980s most transport businesses railways, bus and trucking companies, airports, seaports, and civil aviation were publicly owned and managed, and heavily regulated. These businesses operated at a loss and remained tied to government financial support for survival. Poor cost recovery partly resulting from low tariffs and general subsidies reduced the viability of transport service operations and imposed heavy costs on both users and the macro economy.
Recent Developments in the Transport Sector The transport business has mostly been deregulated, and transport policies have been modified to permit market-determined decisions, enterprise autonomy, and private participation in the ownership and management of transport business. In recent years, African governments have allocated 6-8 per cent of their GDP annually to infrastructure development.
Transport safety and security is an area of serious concern in Africa. Having recognized the significant health hazard and economic cost of poor road safety, African governments are working with the SSATP to formulate and implement sound transport policies that will, among other goals, improve road safety.
Main mode of Transport in Africa Roads are the predominant mode for freight and passenger transport in Africa. The challenge is to secure cost-effective improvements in services by expanding and improving road networks and by maintaining the existing road base. This requires substantial amounts of capital investment.
Rural Transport In addition, poverty reduction strategies include considerable funding for rural roads. Appropriate rural transport policies and strategies (RTPS) are critical to successful implementation of rural transport projects. Urban Transport The majority of cities in Africa depend on public transport, the highest being Kigali and Kampala with approximately 80% and 61% of the population respectively.
Regional Transport Regional transport helps promote regional integration and regional and international trade, which promote growth and therefore reduce poverty. Governance issues (road barriers), non-tariff barriers, and customs reforms must be taken into account.
Other modes of Transport in Africa Railways In 2005, the continent had a total railway network of 90,320 km, most of which is disjointed. Water Transport Maritime transport is the most dominant mode of transport for moving freight from and to Africa. It accounts for over 92 per cent of Africas external trade. Air Transport A significant number of them do not meet International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) standards and recommended practices.
CONCLUSION Researched, compiled and presented by: Abel Nsabimana Team Leader Alexander Niyungeko Group Coordinator Albert Nyabenda Stage Manager Team Members Jean Sindayigaya Sylvere Nshagirije Sandrine Irakoze THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION