State Climate Office Drought Update Adnan Akyuz, Ph.D. NDSU, AES State Climatologist Updated 7/26/2018
Countywide Precipitation Anomalies and Rankings June 2018 (34th Wettest) May-June 2018 (Near Normal) Blue/Brown colors indicate wetter/drier than long-term (1901-2000) average.
Countywide Temperature Anomalies and Rankings June 2018 (8th Warmest) May-June 2018 (3rd Warmest) Blue/Brown colors indicate wetter/drier than long-term (1901-2000) average.
30-Day Precipitation Total Accumulation % of Normal (NDAWN Images)
Long Term Precipitation % of Normal 60 Days 90 Days (HPRCC Images)
(% Change from previous week) Cumulative % area (% Change from previous week) None 19% (0%) D1 1% (0%) DO 16% (0%)
State Coverage and Intensity
Drought Change One-week Change 4-week Change
Drought Severity and Coverage Index (Statewide) 329 (Aug 8, 2006) 295 (Aug 8, 2017) 17 (-) Drought Severity and Coverage Index = ADO + 2AD1 + 3AD2 + 4AD3 + 5AD4 (Akyüz, 2007) Where: A is a % of the state covered under the corresponding D-severity
Accumulated Drought Severity and Coverage Index (Statewide) 9874 (+17) 9,530 10,645 9663 19,319 2116 1714 *Numbers indicate the area under the DSCI Index Curve *Akyuz (2017)
Soil Moisture and Bare Soil Temperature Soil Moisture Departure from Normal 5-week Evaporative Demand Drought Index (EDDI) (40mm = 1.6”)
Weekly Drought Impact Collection Based on the NDSU Weekly Survey of Extension Offices
Corn GDD Accumulation Forecast* Aug 31 *This graphic is created for Cass County based on: 88 day corn May 10 planting date Oct 8 *U2U Decision Support Tools:
Crassland Productivity Forecast (May-July) *These three maps show the forecasted percent change in grassland production compared to a county’s 34-year average. USDA Northern Plains Climate Hub:
Impact Pictures Wildfire @ Killdeer Mountains northwest of Killdeer (Greg Benz) Flooded fields in La Moure County (Julianne Racine)