Health Related Fitness Review
5 Components of HR Fitness Body composition – relative percentage of body fat to lean body tissue Muscular Strength – Maximum amount of force a muscle or muscle group can exert on an opposing force Muscular endurance – ability of muscle or muscle group to contract for an extended period of time Cardiovascular fitness – ability of body to do work continuously for an extended period of time Flexibility – ability of a body part to move through a full range of motion
Body Mass Index Standard that assesses body size in relation to weight and height
Arteries to measure your pulse Radial – inside of wrist Carotid – under jawbone, on side of neck
Skinfold is… Tissue consisting of a layer of skin and a layer of fat Pinched with a caliper to measure body fat %
Why measure HR fitness? To determine your fitness strengths and weaknesses Set personal fitness goals Create and modify personal exercise program
How do you evaluate you HR fitness? Compare your results to the Criterion Reference Test
Best time to measure resting HR? First thing in the morning before you get out of bed
How do you measure your pulse? Find by applying pressure to the radial or carotid artery and count the beats for 10 seconds then multiply times 6
What does it mean about the heart if your resting HR is low? The heart is working more efficiently in meeting the demands of the body
Highly fit people have low resting HR. true
Measuring muscular endurance Timed curl-ups Timed push-ups
Measure muscular strength Performing a maximum lift
Measure Flexibility Sit and reach Trunk lift
Measure Cardiovascular Fitness 1.5 mile run 1 mile run 9 or 12 minute run
Measuring Body Composition Bioelectrical impedence unit Using caliper to measure skinfolds Hydrostatic weighing
Is weighing yourself a good way to evaluate body composition? No, it does not reflect the amount of fatty tissue and lean tissue
Can improving your HR fitness improve your skill in a sport? no
Consequences of having large amounts of fatty tissue? Can lead to chronic illnesses like heart disease and diabetes
Who can improve their health related fitness? Everyone
3 benefits of high level cardiovascular fitness Increase life expectancy Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease Improves overall health
Benefits of high muscular strength and endurance Reduces risk for muscle, bone, and joint injuries
Hyperflexibility An excessive amount of flexibility which can lead to joint instability
Pulse A regular throbbing caused by the contraction of the heart pumping blood through the body
What is the most important HR fitness component to develop and maintain throughout life? Cardiovascular fitness