Rosa Parks
Rosa was born on February 4, 1913 Birth Rosa was born on February 4, 1913
Family Rosa’s parent’s names were Leona McCauley and James McCauley.
School When Rosa finished high school she went college. She went for about 5 years. Then she graduated.
Marriage Rosa married Raymond in 1913 after she finished college.
Late life
robbed Rosa was sitting alone in her apartment when Skipper came bursting through the front door. Skipper planned to rob Rosa. When Skipper left Rosa was left with no money or valuables. A couple months later Rosa was awarded with the Spingarn Medal. That’s the highest honor. She was also awarded with the Martin Luther King Jr. Award.
Elected Rosa was elected Secretary of the Montgomery chapter of the NAACP in 1943.
QUOTE Rosa said, “I’m tired of being treated like a first class citizen .”