7th Grade PACE Texas History Mrs. Houchin
The focus of 7th grade SS is the people, places, government, and societies of Texas. The SS strands of history, geography, economics, government, citizenship, culture, science & technology, social studies skills are incorporated throughout the year. http://www.lib.utexas.edu/maps/historical/history_texas.html
Humanities Like the other secondary classes, we have a humanities component to our course. This year we’ll be looking at the humanities of Texas. We started this last week when we analyzed some painting of the west and decided which region of Texas each painting best represented. http://hoocher.com/Charles_Marion_Russell/Charles_Marion_Russell.htm
7th Grade PACE Units Early Texas and Its People Revolutions Republic to Reconstruction Growth & Development Changing Texas & Texans Early Texas and Its People - geography of TX, Native American tribes, European Explorers Assessment Task: Native American Museum Exhibit focusing on the adaptations and modifications the tribes made in order to be successful in their geography Revolutions – Mexico’s independence from Spain and the Texas Revolution Assessment Task: Revolution Consultation – students take on the role of one of the people involved in the Texas Revolution. They participate in a guided discussion in which they have to speak from the point of view of their role. Republic to Reconstruction – Years as an independent country, the Mexican American War and the annexation of TX, Civil War and Reconstruction and their effects on TX Assessment Task: Current Events Philosophical Chairs – students will research how some of the problems the early Texans dealt with still affect today. They’ll examine opposing viewpoints on things like public debt, education, and foreign relations. Growth & Development – Economics & Government of Texas from post Reconstruction to today; disasters like the Galveston Hurricane & Dust Bowl, the make up of the Texas government, the role of the Texas citizen, and the important industries of the Texas economy Assessment Task: From Bust to Boom – The scenario: a new but controversial business wants to come to a small TX town (fracking company, coal plant, oil pipeline). The students will examine the impacts that the business would have on the town and decide whether or not to allow the company in. Changing Texas & Texans – Texas after Reconstruction to today, but this unit focuses on the social issues from the Progressive Era to the civil rights movement and social issues today. Assessment: Students will look at how the arts reflect societal issues and will create their own humanities piece that reflects their perspective on an issue
Like last year, will be mostly project based BUT we will have more quizzes and tests than they did in 6th grade. We try to increase the rigor as the grade level increases so they are more prepared for high school Humanities courses. 2-3 major grades each six week period – because projects take multiple days (sometimes weeks), we simply don’t have time for more. What this means for parents – pay attention to Parent Portal. A low grade on one project or test could make a big difference in the overall grade for the six weeks. If a retake or redo needs to be arranged, the student needs to take care of it ASAP. http://www.gcisd-k12.org/Page/26738
Textbooks Coming – TBD Will have online access. Should have a few copies to send home to those who need it, but no word on arrival times for those. We do a lot on computers. Students are welcome to bring in devices to use with your permission. They just need to be respectful when a teacher asks them to put it away.
Textbook Temporary Logins connected.mcgraw-hill.com Username: txnetworks15s Password: networks15 Select “Texas History” For now, the students can access online, but they cannot save any work. They’ll be able to do that once they have their own accounts.
PACE Novels ISBN 0590371258 ISBN 152058516 Spring Semester Not mandatory to purchase own copy. We will be encouraging active reading strategies during the readings. It is easier to use these strategies when you can underline, highlight, and make notes in your own copy. Students can use e-readers as long as they’re not causing a distraction in class or are being used for other things inappropriately (games) Available at student store, Amazon, Half Price Books, Barnes & Noble, etc. ISBN 0590371258 ISBN 152058516
classroom.google.com studentlogin@mypisd.net Access to class information and students’ grades Class information posted includes -weekly agenda and homework -project instructions and rubrics, PPT’s, other classwork Students can also submit certain assignments here classroom.google.com studentlogin@mypisd.net
Conference Period: 12:29-1:20 Mrs. Corey Houchin 469-752-6351 corey.houchin@pisd.edu mrshouchin.weebly.com @houchin_rms Conference Period: 12:29-1:20 Email will usually receive quickest response. We don’t always have time to return phone calls until before or after school. Agendas are being emailed home weekly. If you are not receiving them and would like to, please email me and I will add you to the list. If you have a question about a student’s grade, please check with the student first. If you aren’t satisfied with their explanation or still have questions, contact me. But we do want to give them the opportunity to be responsible for their own actions. Dojo – if your student has not given you the code to access Dojo, please ask him/her. If you need another copy, please email me or have the student ask me in class and I will email you another one.