September 2016 Mrs. Burchette
Homework and Important Dates: Thursday, September 8, 2016 Homework and Important Dates: Membean– September Week #2– 45 minutes due September 13, 2016 (by midnight) No more than 15 minutes/every other day Reading Performance Task– due September 14, 2016 see rubrics on the blog Warm-Up: Update your agenda. Pick up your notebooks. (If your vocabulary is not secured in the correct location, please get that taken care of.) Journal: “What’s the Story?” What events led up to this picture? What do you think will happen next? How do you think their mother(s) will react? Be sure you update your table of contents and title your journal!
Seedfolks– Chapter 1– “Kim” 8/23/16 Seedfolks– Chapter 2– “Ana” Journal Table of Contents Date Title Page 8/10/16 What Would You Change? 1 8/11/16 So Far… 8/12/16 Free Choice Friday 8/18/16 Mistakes About Me 8/19/16 8/22/16 Seedfolks– Chapter 1– “Kim” 8/23/16 Seedfolks– Chapter 2– “Ana” 8/25/16 Seedfolks– Chapter 3– “Wendell” 9/1/16 Seedfolks– Chapter 4– “Gonzalo” 9/2/16 9/8/16 What’s the Story?
Thursday, September 8, 2016 Learning Target: I can engage readers with context, point of view, and narration. Today’s Agenda: Group Narrative– It’s the End of the World!
It’s the End of the World As We Know It! Thursday, September 8, 2016 It’s the End of the World As We Know It! Continue writing your group narrative about how the world is coming to an end. Final copies should be 1-2 pages in length and should be accompanied by an illustration. Top scoring narratives will be displayed and voted on to earn points for your class! Be sure to include elements of narrative writing such as a clear point-of-view, descriptive language, dialogue, etc. These group narratives are due at the end of class!!!
Thursday, September 8, 2016 Fractured Fairy Tale Use the organizers provided to continue planning and drafting your fractured fairy tale. Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4