The Wilson Years Election of 1912 Moose: Progressive or Bull Moose Party Donkey: Democratic Party Elephant: Republican Party
The Candidates Conservatives rallied behind Taft and he received the Republican nomination. Progressives supported Roosevelt and he ran Independent under the newly formed Progressive Party. Democratic candidate was Woodrow Wilson. Wilson won because Taft and Roosevelt split the republican vote. Although he did not win a majority of the popular vote, he won in the Electoral College.
Wilson's Reforms Wilson crafted reforms affecting tariffs, the banking system, trusts, and workers’ rights. Wilson believed that lowering tariffs would benefit BOTH American consumers and manufacturers. With tariffs being lowered, it would lead American manufacturers to IMPROVE their PRODUCTS and LOWER their PRICES due to foreign competition. To restore public confidence in the banking system, Wilson supported the establishment of a Federal Reserve System. The central bank of the U.S.
Homer Plessy In 1892, Plessy was an African American who was arrested for riding in a “whites-only” train car. His arrest was to show the folly of the Louisiana law that forced him to ride in a separate railroad car. In 1896, the Supreme Court in Plessy vs. Ferguson, upheld the Louisiana Law and set out a new doctrine of “separate but equal” facilities for African Americans.
Impact of “Jim Crow” Laws The Supreme Court case Plessy vs. Ferguson in 1896 said it was constitutional to have “separate but equal” facilities. Supreme Court Case Plessy vs. Ferguson gave Jim Crow States a legal way to ignore their constitutional obligations to their black citizens.
African American School Do these appear to be “separate but equal”? African American School White School
Limits of Progressivism Progressivism failed to address RACIAL discrimination. African American leaders met at Niagara Falls to demand full rights for African Americans. They had to meet on the Canadian side of the falls because no hotel on the American side would accept them. This meeting was one of many steps that led to the founding of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) in 1909. W.E.B. Du Bois and other NAACP founders believed that VOTING RIGHTS were essential to end LYNCHING and RACIAL DISCRIMINATION such as segregation and Jim Crow Laws.