WHAT AND WHY school turnaround
Why School Turnaround? Decades of underperforming schools NCLB Sanctions System Failure
What is School Turnaround? Deep Dramatic Sustained
State of School Turnaround 40 plus states State Legislation $ Investment Many more schools have “Improvement Needs”
National Landscape Large number of high schools taking on this effort Need for strong leaders in this space Some SEAs and LEAs made system-wide changes SEAs and LEAs have changed their relationships Mixed Results
Key Takeaways Build capacity in small/rural/states/ districts/schools and secondary schools Build state/district capacity to implement turnaround through comprehensive, system-wide approach Increase peer-to-peer learning opportunities for states, districts, and schools
Next Steps Accelerate efforts to collect, analyze, and report leading and achievement indicators Highlight stories from the field to counter negative stories Maximize resources to address intervention challenges and sustainability
Questions? Questions?
Contact Information Carlas McCauley Director, Center on School Turnaround (916) 492-4039