Priority CSR 2.0 in Odisha
Pool of Innovations (PoIs) Odisha CSR Forum District Bandwidth Pool of Innovations (PoIs) Calling
6 70% 90% Districts No CSR Fund allocation Contribution by Leading 10 Organisations of CSR fund is received by 10 Districts
3 Sectors such as Chemical / paint, Textile, Tyre and Rubber, food Sugar and Dairy -negligible share in CSR 12% Sectors Contribute 80% of total CSR fund the Steel, Iron & Ferro Alloys, Aluminium and Mining programs are implemented by the specialists – NGOs
287 Corporates Total CSR Spend in 2014-2015 344.12 Crore 96.15 Crore Infrastructure Development 71.39 Crore Education 51.23 Crore Health 40.57 Crore Environmental Protection 29.06 Crore Livelihood 11.55 Crore Vocational Training 44.16 Crore Other CSR Activities 287 Corporates
Over 85% of the CSR spend under infrastructure development has been spend on bridge maintenance and peripheral development
District Name Amount Spend in Rs. Crore Angul 105.86 Jajpur 61.63 Sundergarh 30.27 Kalahandi 24.05 Sambalpur 22.90 Rayagada 18.77 Keonjhar 15.05 Koraput 9.64 Cuttack 8.88 Jharsuguda
No CSR Spend
Industry-Wise CSR Contribution
CSR Program Implementing Agencies in Odisha
Indicators & Analysis Indicators Analysis Major activities > supply of Water and Sanitation: supply of drinking water by tank, pipeline or bore wells. The corporates had donated to philanthropies such as Red Cross, Relief Fund, Trusts, temples and village committee. Rs. 11.53 Crore rupees was deployed for the promotion of sports heritage, culture and local events. Rs. 6.91 Crore in other miscellaneous activities. CSR programs could help meet the gap in water coverage in Bhadrak, Boudh, Kandhamal and Kalahandi districts where the usage remains remain less than five percent. Water quality in areas like Nuapada is a scare. CSR to tackle Open defecation > about 73% rural HHs
The corporates : specify the spend sectors - that there is no duplication of efforts relating to CSR activities and government schemes. The CSR activities - majorly planned and implemented by the corporates themselves while some of them (CSR programs) are being implemented with active consultation with the district authorities such as the Collect orate, the DRDA or the ADM’s office. Development labs: Instead of distributing their spending across sectors, the corporates could spend the CSR resources on specific sectors in selected districts and align with the Government programmes to create enhanced impact. NEED
Corporates bring in more of core skills to help CSR rather than only funds resources. HR Integration: CSR 2.0 - more specialised role, disciplines and functions like climate, community mobilisation, disease prevention, preventive health care, biodiversity and more integration of CSR into the functional areas like HR, Marketing, Finance & IR. Collectively the corporates in CSR 2.0 wave would help the state meet challenges of mounting system pressures, strain on natural resources and become significant partners as solution providers to our growing sustainability crisis. The state of Odisha - innovation, scale & impact at the community levels. CSR 2.0
CSR Based Rating of the Corporates 7 Themes 81 Macro 81 Micro 1 Classification of CSR: The Corporate Social Responsibility performance is divided into subcategories. These subcategories roll up into categories. Then each element of data is mapped into one or more subcategory. We have mapped few data elements and soon would press them into a editable data analytics process. Investment Limit 1500 lac 1000-1500 lac 500-1000 lac Less than 500 Maximum Grade Point 4 3 2 1 Turnover ~ Investment Limit prescribed by Gov Profit ~ Investment Limit prescribed by Gov Net worth ~ Investment 2 Convert to a numeric scale: Each data item is taken from the data sets and converted into a rating on a 0 to 100 scale (100 = positive rating). 3 Data consistency: The scores from different data sources for the same company are compared, the bias removed and the scores are made consistent and normalized. 4 Aggregate: Each data point is given a weight (depending on its credibility and value). All the data is combined and base ratings generated at the subcategory level. These ratings are aggregated further to the category level. 5 Drop ratings: Drop ratings when there is not enough information. It is advisable to get enough data and then rate. It is important to take a deeper dive, gather contact information, a description of the company’s business, and other data to help create a comprehensive industry and state situational analysis.
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