Introduction to transformational GEOMETRY Grade 6 Geometry Unit
Think, Pair, share In your group, make a list of words and phrases that you think of when you think of geometry Then, make a separate list for words and terms you think of when you think of transformational geometry
Minds on!!! Look at the following picture and answer the following questions with a table partner... 1) Which figures do you see? 2) Which transformations are shown?
Transformations There are three different types of transformations: 1) Translations 2) Reflections 3) Rotations
Translation After a translation, a figure and its image: Are congruent Face the same way
What are the original coordinates? What are the translated coordinates
reflections After a reflection, a figure and its image: Are congruent Face opposite ways
What are the original coordinates? What are the reflected coordinates
What would be the coordinates if this shape was reflected downwards
rotations After a rotation, a figure and its image: Are congruent May face different ways Figures can rotate clockwise (to the right) or counter clockwise (to the left) Figures can make quarter turns (90 degrees), half turns (180 degrees), or three quarter turns (270 degrees)
How was this rotated?