Priorities for social statistics Agenda point 3 DSS Board Meeting 2/3 July 2015
Priorities for social statistics Timeliness Joint analysis of income, consumption and wealth Links between social statistics and national accounts: social protection education health Comparability in practice of published indicators Growth and labour force mobility: measurement, barriers and opportunities Migration Quality of life and well-being Poverty Geo-referencing 20-21 September 2012
Ways forward Presentations by DSS Members on selected issues e.g.: (1) ICW (France?) (2) Mobility and emigration (HU and PT) (3) Comparability in practice of some published indicators (DK?) (4) Poverty (IT) Put some issues on the agenda of future DSS meetings: one issue at each of the next meetings in the order above? Pursue brainstorming exercises in order to enrich the list of issues 20-21 September 2012