Mrs. Williams’ Whiz Kids August 15th-19th , 2016 Sight Words: I AM WAS IN HIS AND ALL UP JUST Your child will need to be able to read these words by: September 16, 2016. Please practice each night! *ABC Please remember your child must know all uppercase and lowercase letters/sounds by October 1st! There will be a popcorn party for those who know letters and sounds by Oct. 1! What we are learning: Reading: Bus Safety, generating rhyming words Letters: Aa-Ee Words: I, am Language Arts: Rules/Procedures Math: Counting 1-5 Science: What is science? What is a scientist? Social Studies: American Flag, Pledge of Allegiance We will discuss what friendship is and understand that teachers help us to learn. Schedule: P.E.- Daily at 8:30 Lunch- Daily at 11:40 Snack/Recess-Daily 1:30 Library-Friday at 8:00 Computer-Monday at 8:00 *Library and Computer will begin this week! Important info! Please let me know if there is any change in transportation information. If your child is changing from a car rider to bus rider, please remember to provide me with that information! Please remember to send the PINK folder back to school daily. Please sign and check your child’s conduct sheet each night! Please remember, I will be stricter on their conduct at the beginning of school Reminders! *If you put money in the zip pocket of the folder, PLEASE label what it is for so I know! I have updated my class page on the JES website. There will be helpful information there for you to check each week. THANK YOU! Thank you parents for a great first week, you helped to make the week run smooth. We are going to have a great year. My contact information: 205-280-4820 Please contact me if you have any questions!