Review of the Recommendations of the 2nd ARAST / 10th SARAST meetings This Discussion paper has five attachments Attachment-1 : MRAST Recommendations Attachment-2 : 2nd ARAST Recommendations Attachment-3 : 3rd ARAST Recommendations Attachment-4 : Summary of SASI implementations in States Attachment-5 : ARAST-AIG Recommendations 2/26/2019 19th Steering Committee Meeting - COSCAP-South Asia
Review of the Recommendations of the 2nd ARAST / 10th SARAST meetings 8th SCM in 2001 decided to establish a Regional Aviation Safety Team. SARAST came into being in 2002. Has held 10 meetings to date. 11th SARAST will be held on 19th March 2010. SARAST is considered the Technical Arm of COSCAP-SA. SARAST has joined hands with NARAST and SEARAST to form ARAST, as decided by 17th SCM. ARATST has held two meetings to date. 3rd ARAST will be held on 15-19 March 2010. 2/26/2019 19th Steering Committee Meeting - COSCAP-South Asia
Review of the Recommendations of the 2nd ARAST / 10th SARAST meetings The objective of the SARAST is To recommend accident prevention interventions (SE) to the Steering Committee. To implement SE approved by the SCM through the coordinated efforts of the regulatory authorities, in consonance with service providers, airlines and aircraft manufacturers. To accomplish the objectives, the team will Review, for application within the South Asia area, existing safety interventions which have already been developed through the efforts of well established, multinational safety initiatives: and Review regional accidents/significant incident trends and other areas of local concerns to determine unique issues (such as aging aircraft, air rage incidents, etc.) which may warrant locally developed interventions. focus and prioritize for introduction, support, and development of actions, which have the potential to effectively and economically reduce the regional accident rate. 2/26/2019 19th Steering Committee Meeting - COSCAP-South Asia
Review of the Recommendations of the 2nd ARAST / 10th SARAST meetings SARAST Duties and Functions: Review safety interventions which have already been developed by existing safety groups such as ICAO, CAST and JSSI and advise the Steering Committee which of those, are appropriate for implementation with the South Asia region; Identify areas of concern to flight safety that may be unique to the region or require emphasis within the region, and develop data and interventions to address those concerns; Work closely with service providers, airlines, manufacturers, industry and labor associations, and other appropriate organizations to ensure that interventions are implemented through a coordinated effort; and Review outputs from ICAO audits and issues identified by Member States. 2/26/2019 19th Steering Committee Meeting - COSCAP-South Asia
19th Steering Committee Meeting - COSCAP-South Asia SASI TRACKING SYSTEM Provide Feedback Report on compliance i. Develop Procedures ii. Update Manuals / Docs iii. Provide Training iv. Perform self assessment STATES OPERATORS COSCAP South Asia A - Provides Guidance Material B - Provides Training C - Performs Compliance Assessment D - Other means of assistance 1 - Update Legal framework 2 - Issue Directions & Guidance Material 3 - Perform Compliance Assessment 4 - Provide Other means of assistance 2/26/2019 19th Steering Committee Meeting - COSCAP-South Asia
EXISTING SAFETY ENHANCEMENT PROCESS Industry representations STATES (NAST) (in each COSCAP-SA State) CAST (USA) ESSI (EU) Safety Enhancements Industry representations NARAST (4 States) State’s Safety issues ARAST (25 States) SARAST (8 States) Sub-SARAST (in each COSCAP-SA State with greater industry participation) Detailed explanations SEARAST (13 States) 2/26/2019 19th Steering Committee Meeting - COSCAP-South Asia
Review of the Recommendations of the 2nd ARAST / 10th SARAST meetings This Discussion paper has five attachments Attachment-1 : MRAST Recommendations Attachment-2 : 2nd ARAST Recommendations Attachment-3 : 10th SARAST Recommendations Attachment-4 : Summary of SASI implementations in States Attachment-5 : ARAST-AIG Recommendations 2/26/2019 19th Steering Committee Meeting - COSCAP-South Asia
Review of the Recommendations of the 2nd ARAST / 10th SARAST meetings 2/26/2019 19th Steering Committee Meeting - COSCAP-South Asia
Review of the Recommendations of the 2nd ARAST / 10th SARAST meetings New Developments ICAO Proposal to establish Regional Aviation Safety Groups (RASG)- (Ref. SWG 21/1-09/94 - 16 December 2009 ). Air Navigation Commission initiated a study aimed at identifying a regional mechanism to address safety issues consequent to a Council decision in 18 March 2009. The concept paper is given in the Attachment to the State letter. suggested terms of reference and work programmes of the RASGs are outlined in Attachment B. The Commission requested a consultation with States concerning the proposed RASGs before a recommendation is made to the ICAO Council. State responses are expected by 16 March 2010. 2/26/2019 19th Steering Committee Meeting - COSCAP-South Asia
Review of the Recommendations of the 2nd ARAST / 10th SARAST meetings ESTABLISHMENT OF RASGs new follow-up body is needed to monitor progress, coordinate actions among States and make recommendations to ICAO to facilitate the implementation of the GASP and the associated Global Aviation Safety Roadmap (GASR). Consistent with the PIRG mechanism RASG for each regions RASG-APAC Coordination between PIRGs and RASGs initially deal with safety issues directly related to flight operations ATM safety will be added later 2/26/2019 19th Steering Committee Meeting - COSCAP-South Asia
Review of the Recommendations of the 2nd ARAST / 10th SARAST meetings Membership Contracting States in the region Observers The aircraft operators, international organizations, maintenance and repair organizations, regional organizations, aircraft manufactures, airport and air navigation service providers and any other allied organizations/representatives Regional Director will serve as the Secretary of the RASG. An officer from Headquarters (ANB) will participate and provide support to the RASG meetings. 2/26/2019 19th Steering Committee Meeting - COSCAP-South Asia
Review of the Recommendations of the 2nd ARAST / 10th SARAST meetings WORK PROGRAMME The RASG will develop/implement a work programme that supports a regional performance framework for the management of safety on the basis GASP) and GASR. the RASG will build on the work already done by States, existing sub regional organizations such as COSCAPs and RSOO. support the establishment and operation of a performance-based safety system for the region. 2/26/2019 19th Steering Committee Meeting - COSCAP-South Asia
Review of the Recommendations of the 2nd ARAST / 10th SARAST meetings Functions of RASG analyze safety information and hazards to civil aviation at the regional level and review the action plans developed within the region to address identified hazards; facilitate the sharing of safety information and experiences among all stakeholders; ensure that all safety activities at the regional and sub regional level are properly coordinated to avoid duplication of efforts; reduce duplication of efforts by encouraging collaboration, cooperation and resource sharing; conduct follow-up to GASP/GASR activities as required; coordinate with respective PIRG on safety issues; and provide feedback to ICAO to continually improve and ensure an up-to-date global safety framework. 2/26/2019 19th Steering Committee Meeting - COSCAP-South Asia
Review of the Recommendations of the 2nd ARAST / 10th SARAST meetings MRAST Recommendations be approved. 2nd ARAST Recommendations be approved. 10th SARAST Recommendations be approved. All States which have not implemented SASI be encouraged to take early steps to do the needful. States be requested to be represented sufficiently at the 3rd ARAST/11th SARAST. States comments on ICAO State letter on RASG be made available to ICAO before the deadline. Special SARAST meeting be held in India immediately following the 3rd ARAST/11th SARAST, if India so wish. 2/26/2019 19th Steering Committee Meeting - COSCAP-South Asia