XML and eBusiness Technology Web Services XML and eBusiness Technology
Introduction Web services - the next big thing? HTTP has become the network standard XML defines business transactions Business applications execute over the Web Distributed computing in a heterogeneous environment – how do you make this happen? Web services, SOAP, Java, and networks Computing in the early 21st century
Four Paradigms of Computing Mainframe The era of “big iron” Client – Server (C/S) Networks and cheap desktop computing Internet Computing (n-tier architecture) Web moves to a computing platform Web services Web moves to a business platform
Web Services XML, Java, SOAP, and networks Critical for B2Bi Used in “light EAI” Creates a “network application platform” Sun ONE (Open Network Environment) Facilitates “any to any” and “many to many” computing Lets applications and process talk to each other Creates a peer-to-peer computing environment UDDI - directory of services for “client discovery”
Service Oriented Architecture Service provider Creates services and publishes to registry Service broker Holds information on how to find and “bind” to a (web) service Service requester Searches the registry, finds services, and “invokes” them after “binding”
Service Oriented Architecture Provider Publish Bind Service Broker Service Requestor Find
Web Services Paradigm Web services are the building block of a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) Publish application services Find published services Bind to the service found Invoke the bound service Passing required parameters for proper execution of the selected service
Web Services - Protocols WSDL - description UDDI - discovery SOAP - messaging BPEL – execution ebXML - orchestration HTTP – transport XML – the lingua franca for data
Web Services Protocol Stack
WS - Process Architecture Services directory WSDL and UDDI Business transaction SOAP request / response SOAP envelope Message and protocol Transaction details ebXML, BPEL Network layer HTTP, HTTPr, HTTPs, SMTP
WS - Process Architecture
Web Services Architecture Overview Service creation and assembly A visual design environment, possibly UML Service delivery and service integration Messaging interfaces to Internet and network APIs Applications and Web services Web services containers Other legacy applications Application platform Identity and Policy Security and Workflow Collaboration services
Web Services – Architecture
Standards Services Architecture Leverages key XML technologies XSLT, SOAP, WSDL Smart process ebXML, BPML UDDI Smart Policy LDAP Smart management SNMP and XML routing technologies
Web Services – Standards Architecture
Network Layer Lowest level in the Web services architecture is the conduit for transmission of XML messages HTTP is most common protocol in use HTTPR (R stands for reliable) HTTP carries traffic through firewalls So it is the best “business conduit” HTTPR provides “VAN like” services (re: EDI) “exactly once” delivery of messages, notification, etc.
Network Layer – Logical Stack WSIL, WSFL, WSHT Application services and service flow UDDI – Service discovery UDDI – Service publication WSDL – Service description WSIL / SOAP – XML messaging HTTP, HTTPR, SMTP, MQ, IIOP Network layer for messaging
Web Services Stack from WebServices.org Layer Example Service Negotiation Trading Partner Agreement Workflow, Discovery, Registries UDDI, ebXML registries, IBM WSFL, MS XLANG, BPEL4WS Service Description Language WSDL/WSCL Messaging SOAP/XML Protocol Transport Protocols HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, SMTP Business Issues Management, Quality of Service, Security, Open Standards
SOAP Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) Internet protocol for requesting a service Lets loosely coupled entities cooperate Relies on HTTP/HTTPS for transport Picks up where IIOP and CORBA left off Conduit for Remote Method Invocation (RMI)
SOAP Message – 3 Parts The message, envelope, and “channel” SOAP envelope The SOAP packet structure XML body of the message The XML grammar of SOAP request Specification of transport binding The “SOAP” messaging protocol
Anatomy of a SOAP Transaction Client SOAP Request packet (marshal and unmarshal) Transport SOAP running over HTTP (HTTPr / HTTPs) Supplier SOAP Response packet (marshal and unmarshal)
SOAP Transaction
SOAP Request Code POST /path/foo.pl HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: text/xml SOAPActor: interfaceURI#Add Content-Length: nnnn <soap:Envelope> <soap:Body> <Add> <arg1>24</arg1> <arg2>53.2</arg2> </Add> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope>
SOAP Response Code 200 OK Content-Type: text/xml Content-Length: nnnn <soap:Envelope> <soap:Body> <Response> <sum>77.2</sum> </Response> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope>
UDDI Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI) http://www.uddi.org/ SOAP creates a request for a service But how do you know that the service exists? UDDI is a distributed registry (like DNS system) Service providers post in the UDDI registry UDDI defines a set of SOAP messages that provide the client API for accessing a UDDI registry
UDDI Registry Record
UDDI Services Publisher API Inquiry API save_business save_service save_binding save_tModel delete_business delete_service delete_binding delete_tModel get_authToken discard_authToken Inquiry API find_business find_service find_binding find_tModel get_businessDetail get_serviceDetail get_bindingDetail get_tModelDetail
WSDL Web Service Description Language (WSDL) WSDL is XML based language that describes the attributes of a Web service Register the service in the UDDI directory Interface is the format of the SOAP request Request / response to execute and receive results of Web service on SOAP envelope
WSDL Document Structure
WSDL Grammar Message Operation portType Binding Port Service
WSFL Web Services Flow Language (WSFL) XML based language for defining the composition of web services A flow composition defines how a sequenced execution of web services perform a higher level business process Defines the interaction between a set of business partners executing Web services
Preparing a Web Service Develop the functionality you want in a service Create the WSDL to describe the service Generate server-side SOAP deployment Publish deployment descriptor in UDDI registry IBM WebSphere Studio Application Developer: WSDL for entry in UDDI registry XML-Java mapping for complex Java objects Deployment descriptor for installing (WS) on a server
IBM Web Services Zone
Using A Web Service Create a Java client to find and call the service Search the UDDI registry for the desired service From WSDL description create SOAP message SOAP message will contain input parameters Send SOAP request message and wait for reply Receive SOAP response with service execution Extract the results of service from the message and process them through a (Java etc.) client
Web Services Process
Java Java is ideal development environment Object oriented with APIs for XML: Java API for XML Messaging (JAXM) Java API for XML Processing (JAXP) Java API for XML Registries (JAXR) Java API for XML - based RPC (JAX-RPC)
Security There are several key areas to security: Identification Authentication Authorization Integrity Privacy Auditing Non-repudiation
B2Bi, Web services, and ebXML What is B2Bi? Web services for B2Bi What is ebXML? ebXML initiative ebXML architecture ebXML implementation ebXML partner discovery ebXML transaction messaging
The Challenge of B2Bi 100,000 companies Middleware doesn’t do it 99,999 factorial connections eMarketplaces didn’t fulfill it Integrating network business process
What is B2B Integration (B2Bi)?
Web Services for B2Bi
ebXML Initiative ebXML – XML, UDDI, and B2Bi Integrate discovery, binding, and flow UDDI – for discovery and binding ebXML - the eBusiness lexicon of B2Bi Creates a “pattern” for Web service flow
ebXML Architecture
ebXML Implementation
ebXML Partner Discovery
ebXML Transaction Message
Advantages to Web Services Flexibility for loose-coupling / late-binding Flexibility in scope: Internet / intranet Limit to enterprise or extend to trading partner Based on HTTP, XML, and SOAP standards Self-describing in WSDL / UDDI registries Aggregate Web services for complex and threaded business process / B2Bi etc.
Microsoft .Net Initiative Microsoft .Net initiative based on SOAP Uses Java tools / visual process design Designed for compatible clients on ends Similar use of XML and SOAP message More similar to COM objects than EJB
Sun ONE Open Network Environment Web services stack Blend servers and services “Smart Web Services” Networked business process
Smart Web Services Architecture Smart delivery Aggregation, presentation and delivery Personalization, content, and contextual sensitivity Smart process Automated workflow management Smart policy Identity, content and roles Smart management Privacy and Security Rights and Administration User management
Smart Web Services Architecture
Smart Processing Overview Smart management Service registration, service management Listing in UDDI repositories, updating records Smart delivery Protocol awareness and messaging options Flexible integration with network applications Smart processing Management, collaboration, and services delivery Created a distributed network application platform
Web Services – Processing Overview
Micro Service Developer Model XML document HTTP SOAP JAXM, JAX, RPC Web server JSP Java servlets Application server JDBC JMS J2EE JAXM JAX / RPC
Micro Web Services Developer Model From a developer's perspective a micro Web service consists of: Web service interface and one or more service components. The Web service interface manages and manipulates XML messages; it can also be a front end to a legacy application. “Service components” contain the business logic that implements the requested service. Business components frequently interact with external resources and services through a variety of integration services A Web service communicates by passing XML documents over standard Web protocols Using HTTP to pass SOAP, XHTML, and other XML messages
Micro Service Developer Model
Web Services Portal Model
Web Service Process Modeling
Distinguishing Business Process Modeling and Management Enterprise business processes ebPML: e-business Process Modeling Language Executable business processes BPEL: Business Process Execution Language ebXML business processes (a.k.a. collaborations) Business process activities BPMI and BPML (and ebPML) Workflows and management BPMS: Business Process Management Systems
BPML Business Process Modeling Language A method to bind “UML” and Web services The Business Process Modeling Language (BPML) is a meta-language for the modeling of business processes, just as XML is a meta-language for the modeling of business data. BPML provides an abstracted execution model for collaborative & transactional business processes based on the concept of a transactional finite-state machine.
BPMI.org Activities
Internal View of Loan Process
BPEL – Complete Loan Process
Tangled BPM Initiatives
ebPML Electronic Business Process Modeling Language http://www.ebpml.org/ "Business is complicated. Any solution that doesn't reflect that complexity is not a real solution. ebXML is no more complicated than it has to be in order to implement real-world business collaborations. Conversely, Web services as they are currently defined seem simple precisely because they're not trying to deal with the complexities of real business relationships involving independent enterprises." A grain of wisdom from John Bosak -
ebPML Vision
BPMS Diagram
Key Technologies for BPMS XML B2B middleware Enterprise Application Integration Web Services (Legacy Systems behind Web services) Business Process Management Systems
BPMS Architecture
UML 2.0 Unified Modeling Language Looks at the entire picture of a process from the view of actors and use cases State, activity, and collaboration diagrams show interactions of actors UML diagrams can now be saved in XML formats, aiding their use with WS
Web Service Operations
BPMS Activity
Web Service Class Diagram
Summary “Distributed computing” on a network platform Computing for the early 21st Century Uses XML, SOAP, WSDL, UDDI standards Services are self-describing for discovery SOAP interface to messaging interface Java clients for request / response formatting Web services are applications with an IP address Think of it as “hyper-linking” network applications!
Resources http://www.webservices.org/ http://xml.apache.org/ http://www.uddi.org/ http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/webservices/ http://java.sun.com/webservices/ http://www.xmethods.net/ http://www.microsoft.com/net/
Self Quiz What are Web services? Why Web services? What is the “protocol stack” ? Write out the WS process flow What things do Web services do well? Where are Web services lacking? What are WS process initiatives about?
Vocabulary Checklist - http://whatis.com/ Architecture BPEL BPMI BPML ebXML Java J2EE HTTP HTTPr and HTTPs .Net Protocol Protocol stack SOA SOAP Sun ONE Transport layer UDDI WSDL WSFL XML
So what is all this XML? Just another markup language? No – the “mother of all markups” Technically, XML + HTML = SGML HTML is about presentation XML is about representation Write your own markup languages DTDs and schema define the rules
A Song Description in HTML <dt>Hot Cop</dt> <dd> by Jacques Morali, Henri Belolo, and Victor Willis</dd> <ul> <li>Producer: Jacques Morali <li>Publisher: PolyGram Records <li>Length: 6:20 <li>Written: 1978 <li>Artist: Village People </ul>
A Song Description in XML <title>Hot Cop</title> <composer>Jacques Morali</composer> <composer >Henri Belolo</composer> <composer >Victor Willis</composer> <producer>Jacques Morali</producer> <publisher>PolyGram Records</publisher> <length>6:20</length> <year>1978</year> <artist>Village People</artist> </song>