A Brief Rundown of World Religions Mr. Wyka – AP World History A Brief Rundown of World Religions
World Religions Religion is a set of beliefs in an ultimate reality and a set of practices used to express those beliefs. Religion has spread (diffusion) throughout the world because of a variety of factors, including Migration Missionary work Trade War
Vocabulary Religion Animism Atheism Monotheism Polytheism Secularism Sect denomination church mosque temple
Ancient Religions Many ancient religions were polytheistic Greeks, Romans, Phoenicians, Egyptians, etc. Oftentimes, the gods reflected the geographical reality of the culture. For example, Egyptian gods tended toward benevolence as they reflected the nature of the Nile.
Animism Animism is perhaps the oldest form of religious expression. Definition: A Belief that nature’s animals, rocks, weather events, and even plants contain spirits that affect the physical world.
Animism exists even today Animism exists even today. This is a picture of local offerings to a tree spirit in Erawan Park in Thailand.
Tree kami surrounded by sacred boundaries Shintoism Ancient religion practiced today in Japan. A form of animism Means, “the way of the gods” Worships kami, the spirits of nature and benevolent ancestor spirits (ancestor worship). Tree kami surrounded by sacred boundaries
The Torii Gates of Shintoism marks the transition from the profane to the sacred
Hinduism Oldest of the world’s living religions Polytheistic Think R.I.C.K. Reincarnation India Caste System Karma / Dharma
Hinduism Reincarnation – souls are born again and again until a state of enlightenment is achieved. India – grew out of the ancient Vedic religion. Caste System – Class system of India. Priests at the top (Brahmins), then warriors, then merchants, then laborers. (Untouchables are outside the caste system.) A caste can’t be changed during one’s lifetime. Karma/Dharma – Good deeds in this life will lift you to the next caste in the next. Dharma is the duty to honor the caste. Dharma / Duty both start with a D.
Buddhism Siddhartha Gautama broke from Hinduism in 460 B.C. Found enlightenment and became the Buddha (the Enlightened One). Origins in India but spread best in China and Southeast Asia.
Buddhism The Four Noble Truths are the basic tenets of Buddhism. The Eightfold path – is a moral staircase of proper behavior that will lead to enlightenment. Goal – Nirvana (an end to the eternal cycle of rebirth – reincarnation).
Zoroastrianism Pre-Islamic religion of Persia. Monotheistic Founded in the 6th century B.C.E. in Persia Highly ethical, encouraging good deeds Ahura Mazda – supreme deity, creator of all Angra Mainyu - the destructive spirit Belief in heaven and hell Influenced Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
Daoism / Taoism Chinese philosophy Yin Yang Philosopher Laozi (Lao tzu) - 6th century B.C.E. Live in harmony with nature, in balance.
Confucianism Philosophy China Confucius – 6th century B.C.E. Filial Piety - Respect for parents and authority Advocated good conduct within one’s social class. Men naturally superior to women.
Christianity Jesus Christ – c. 33 C.E. The Bible Old Testament New Testament Monotheistic Salvation and Forgiveness Missionary Largest worldwide faith
Islam Monotheistic Quran – holy book Arabian Desert Allah Prophet Muhammad – 7th century C.E. Faithful Muslims live by the Five Pillars of Islam 2nd largest world religion
Judaism Monotheistic Old Testament Torah Jews Abraham – c. 1800 B.C.E. Israel / Jerusalem
Sikhism Monotheistic Peaceful Originated in northwest India c. 1500s Adi Granth The Golden Sikh Temple
Indigenous Religions Shinto - Japan Aboriginal Australia Indigenous African Indigenous American Often animistic