Northwest Pacific Action Plan Assessment of eutrophication using satellite derived chlorophyll-a concentration in the NOWPAP region Genki Terauchi Email: Northwest Pacific Action Plan Special Monitoring & Coastal Environmental Assessment Regional Activity Centre (NOWPAP CEARAC)
Regional Sea Program and NOWPAP Regional Sea Program (RSP) Launched in 1974 by UNEP to address the accelerating degradation of the world’s oceans and coastal areas. RSP covers 18 regions across the world today NOWPAP (Northwest Pacific Action Plan) Adopted in 1994 China, Japan Korea and Russia Latitude 33 - 52ON Longitude 121 – 143E NOWPAP region
Development of procedure for eutrophication assessment Procedures for assessment of eutrophication status including evaluation of land-based sources for nutrients for the NOWPAP region (June, 2009 and refined in 2013) Use of remote sensing is proposed as a screening tool to identify potential eutrophic zones The Common Procedures (as of Aug 2013)
Location of study area
Assessment of eutrophication by the NOWPAP Common Procedure More eutrophic Threshold = 5 ug/L Oligotrophic (Less eutrophic) Becoming oligotrophic (less eutrophic) Becoming eutrophic NOWPAP CEARAC 2009, 2014)
Assessment of eutrophication in the Northwest Pacific Region with satellite Chl-a from 1998 to 2015 0.1 1 10 64 mg m-3 3 years (2013-2015) mean -0.3 0 0.3 (mg m-3/year) Interannual trend of annual maximum from 1998 to 2015 HD HN HI LD LN LI Terauchi et al (2018)
Use of SGLI of the GCOM-Mission will enhance the applicability of satellite Chl-a in eutrophication assessment in coastal zone Chlorophyll-a concentration on May 23, 2018 observed by SGLI on board GCOM-C mission. Image provided by Dr. Hiroshi Murakami, JAXA
Global assessment of marine and coastal eutrophication using satellite Chl-a from 1998 to 2017 -0.3 0 0.3 (mg m-3 / year) G. Terauchi and E. R. Maúre (2018) HD HN HI LD LN LI G. Terauchi and E. R. Maúre (2018)