First Generation College Students: Characteristics of First-time in College Students N=3,180 (14.8% of students) Fall Census 2015 Race/Ethnicity African American 12.5% Asian 15.1% Filipino 2.5% Hispanic/Latino 37.5% Multi-Race 8.2% Native American 0.6% Other Non-White 0.0% Pacific Islander 1.5% Unknown 0.4% White 21.8% First Generation College Students: 33.3% Disabled Students: 3.8% Age Under 18 1.4% 18-20 78.4% 21-24 8.8% 25-29 4.6% 30-39 3.5% 40+ 3.2% Average Age: 20.72 School & Work Recent High School Graduates 62.1% Enrolled Part Time 49.7% Working Full- or Part-time 37.7% Low Income/Below Poverty 62.4% KZ 9/28/2015 Fall 2015 - Slide data updated to First-time new students: if enrollment status = first time student (new) and UCDavis = 0; to align with SSSP plan For Fall 2014 and before, this slide was about First-time freshmen AD 10/22/2014 ---need to check 1st gen and gender UNK has increased a lot, too Starting in Fall 2013, data reflect methodology changes on the application that impact gender and first generation. Notes: Starting in Fall 2013, data reflect methodology changes on the application that impact gender and first generation. Data not comparable to the Fall 2014 First-time Freshman slide. “First time in college” student data used to align with SSSP definitions. Sacramento City College Office of Planning, Research & Institutional Effectiveness 2-4 Source: Census Profile