27/02/2019 Development Education and Awareness Raising - Call for Proposals 2018 EuropeAid/160048/DH/ACT/MULTI Information session Brussels, 12 July 2018.


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Presentation transcript:

27/02/2019 Development Education and Awareness Raising - Call for Proposals 2018 EuropeAid/160048/DH/ACT/MULTI Information session Brussels, 12 July 2018 European Commission - DG DEVCO, Unit B1 "Gender Equality, Human Rights and Democratic Governance" 1

Presentation outline • Objectives • Priority issues (4) 27/02/2019 Presentation outline • Objectives • Priority issues (4) • Budget and lots • Eligibility criteria • How to apply & Timeline • Useful links 2

27/02/2019 Global Objective to ensure the commitment of EU citizens to development and contribute to sustainable lifestyle patterns of EU citizens. EU involvement in DEAR is based on these two main principles: Bringing an understanding of global issues to public is important, and development education and awareness raising can help achieve this objective. The EU believes in the value of the DEAR programme, and annual amounts allocated to the programme have steadily grown, from 19 million EUR annually 10 years ago, to over 30 million EUR a year now. At a time when budgets for development, and in particular for DEAR, are shrinking throughout Europe, continued and stable EU support to DEAR is a sign of EU's interest and investment in the sector. DEAR is particularly relevant in the context of the new 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, given its universal focus. 3

Specific Objectives 1) to develop European citizens’ awareness and critical understanding of the interdependent world, of roles and responsibilities in relation to the development issues of the “People” and “Planet” pillars of the Consensus, and 2) to encourage their active engagement with global attempts to address these issues whilst simultaneously promoting fundamental values.

Priority issues Focus areas to be addressed 27/02/2019 Priority issues Focus areas to be addressed b) Youth and work directly with citizens Communication and outreach strategy d) Cross cutting themes 5 5

27/02/2019 Priority issues (1/4) Focus areas : migration- mobility and/or climate change-environement Two global transformative challenges Underpinned by European Consensus “People” and “Planet” pillars One or both of the focus areas to be addressed

Priority issues (2/4) Youth should be main target group (age 15 – 35) Proposals must prioritise working directly with citizen

Priority issues (3/4) Communication and outreach strategy A robust and innovative communication and outreach strategy is required in the proposal Working with communication experts is encouraged (as a co-applicant, associate or contractor) See also Annex XI, XII and XIII INNOVATION is KEY

Priority issues (4/4) d) Cross cutting themes Rights based approach Fundamental values Gender equality and Women empowerment

Type of actions (All Lots) Type of actions • Campaigns/Awareness Raising/Communication - prioritised action, should be main part of the proposed action • Global Learning - Complementary with MS’ efforts in development education

Budget & Lots • Total amount of the Call: EUR 77,000,000 27/02/2019 Budget & Lots • Total amount of the Call: EUR 77,000,000 covering 3 years’ budget (2018,2019,2020) • EU contribution max. 90% for all lots • Two lots for CSO (Lots 1&2) and one lot for LA (Lot 3) • Financial support to third parties (FSTP) is included in all three lots, can or cannot be the main purpose of the proposal 11

The Call - Overview Lot Action Indicative amount 27/02/2019 Lot Action Indicative amount Min and Max amount per project Min Country coverage Lot 1 Pan-European Campaigns All EU MS EUR 43,000,000 EUR 7,000,000 to 12,000,000 8 EU MS Lot 2 Pan-European Campaigns EU 13 EUR 14,750,000 EUR 2,000,000 to 7,000,000 5 EU MS Lot 3 Pan-European Campaigns Local Authorities All EU MS EUR 19,250,000 EUR 3,000,000 to 7,000,000 The Call - Overview 12

Eligibility criteria for actors – lead applicant (Lot 1 & 2) 27/02/2019 Eligibility criteria for actors – lead applicant (Lot 1 & 2) Legal person, and Non-profit making, and A civil society organisation (CSO) or associations of CSOs, and Established in an EU Member State (Lot 1) or in a EU 13 Member States (Lot 2) Must be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the Action with the co-applicants and affiliated entity(ies), not acting as an intermediary and Be able to demonstrate to have carried out activities in the field of development awareness raising, campaigning, communication and/or global learning for at least three years.   13

Eligibility criteria for actors – lead applicant (Lot 3) Legal person and Local Authority (LA) or Associations of Local Authorities (ALA) from an EU Member State Must be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the Action with the co-applicants and affiliated entity(ies), not acting as an intermediary and Be able to demonstrate to have carried out activities in the field of development awareness raising, campaigning, communication and/or global learning for at least three years.

Eligibility criteria for actors - co-applicant (All Lots – Minimum 2 – Different EU Member States) • legal person and • established in a Member State of the European Union or of an eligible partner country or territory as defined in the OECD DAC list constituted in accordance with the legislation in force in the country • non-profit-making and be a Civil Society Organisation (CSO) or an association of CSOs; or be a Local Authority (LA) or an association of LAs; or be a private sector operator with communication/campaigning/marketing expertise

Eligibility criteria for other actors (All Lots) Affiliated entities Only entities that have a structural link with the applicants (i.e. the lead applicant or a co-applicant), in particular a legal or capital link. Associates Other organisations or individuals involved in the action, Not eligible for funding, but entitled for per diem or travel costs. Contractors Subject to procurement rules (Annex IV) Important for campaigning/outreach/communication activities

Eligibility criteria for other actors (All Lots) Third parties • legal person and • non-profit-making and • Civil Society Organisation (CSO) or an association of CSOs, or be Local Authorities or Associations of Local Authorities constituted in accordance with the legislation in force in the country, and • established in a EU Member State, and • not be a beneficiary of a grant (neither lead, nor co- applicant, or affiliated entity)

Eligible actions Duration 24 months - 48 months. Location Lot 1: actions in minimum 8 EU Member States Lot 2: actions in minimum 5 EU Member States Lot 1: actions in minimum 5 EU Member States Specific project activities may take place in an eligible partner country or territory as defined in the OECD DAC list on the condition that they constitute a minor part of the Action and directly contribute to the objectives of the present Call for Proposals.

Eligible actions (All Lots) Financial support to third parties (FSTP) • Max. EUR 60 000 per third party. • Max. EUR 250 000 per third party if the FSTP is the main purpose of the action (Annex X).

Eligible costs – general • Actual costs incurred by the beneficiary(ies) and affiliated entity(ies) • One or more simplified cost options: - unit costs - lump sums - flat-rate financing Contribution in kind: not eligible cost

Eligible cost – Budget (Annex B) • Eligible direct costs Art 14 of General Conditions (Annex G) “1. Human Resources” max 40% of total eligible cost • Contingency reserve: max 5% of total eligible cost • Eligible indirect costs: max 7% of total eligible cost

How to apply – registration & submission 1. PADOR registration obligatory Off-line form available in case of technical problem of on-line registration 2. Submission via PROSPECT Users guides available on websites

How to apply – Number of applications and grants per applicant/affiliated entity An entity may not submit more than one application as a lead applicant/coordinator under this call for proposals. First-in, first-taken for multi-applications from the same lead applicant. An entity that has applied as a lead applicant/ coordinator in one application may be a co-applicant or an affiliated entity in other applications at the same time. Applications in English

Timeline (1/2) 12/07/2018 Launch of Call for Proposal 04/09/2018 Deadline for sending questions 14/09/2018 Publication Q&A 25/09/2018 Deadline for concept notes 22/11/2018 Invitation for full application 30/01/2019 Deadline for full applications April/May 2019 Notification of award April/May 2019 Contract signature

Useful links EuropeAid website (Work with us>Funding>Calls for proposals & Procurement notices) https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/europeaid/online- services/index.cfm?do=publi.welcome Functional mailbox: EuropeAid-160048@ec.europa.eu

27/02/2019 Thank you!