Evaluating BTK Inhibitors in CLL
This program will include a discussion of off-label treatment and investigational agents not approved by the FDA for use in the US, and data that were presented in abstract form. These data should be considered preliminary until published in a peer-reviewed journal.
BTK Inhibitors in CLL On-Label and Off-Label Uses
RESONATE Ibrutinib in Previously Treated CLL
RESONATE Safety Profile of Ibrutinib in Previously Treated CLL
RESONATE-2 Ibrutinib in Previously Untreated CLL
Toxicities With Ibrutinib in RESONATE-2
In Vitro Off-Target Effects of Ibrutinib
Atrial Fibrillation and Ventricular Arrhythmias
Ibrutinib-Associated Bleeding Expert Observations and Suggestions
Ibrutinib-Associated Hypertension Expert Observations and Suggestions
Development of Ibrutinib Resistance
Acalabrutinib A Selective BTK Inhibitor
ACE-CL-001 Acalabrutinib in R/R CLL
Toxicities Associated With Acalabrutinib
Acalabrutinib in Ibrutinib-Intolerant Patients
Acalabrutinib in Front-Line CLL
Choosing Between BTK Inhibitors Guideline Recommendations and Expert Opinion
ELEVATE CLL R/R Acalabrutinib vs Ibrutinib in Previously Treated High-Risk CLL
Other Supportive Care Issues
Next-Generation BTK Inhibitors
Combination Approaches A Potential Pathway to Fixed-Duration Therapy?
Key Takeaways
Abbreviations (cont)