Quantum Numbers This is a way to label electrons. There are four numbers for each electron in an atom. Principal Azimuth Magnetic Spin
1st Quantum Number - Principal Stands for the orbital in which the electron resides Is written as a number between 1-7. Can be found using a periodic table.
2nd Quantum Number- Azimuth Describes the shape of the orbital of the electron An orbital is an area where an electron is likely to be found. Corresponds to block in periodic table Four shapes s p d f
2nd Quantum Number - Azimuth s orbital Only holds 2 electrons Shaped like a 3d sphere p orbital Can hold 6 electrons Shaped liked a 3d dumbbell.
2nd Quantum Number - Azimuth d orbital Holds up to 10 electrons Shaped like a 3d dumbbell with a ring around the middle f orbital Holds up 14 electrons. Don’t worry about the shape; it’s complicated.
3rd Quantum Number – Magnetic Describes which suborbital the electron occupies s has 1 suborbitals p has 3 suborbitals d has 5 suborbitals f has 7 suborbitals We represent the suborbital by a _____
4th Quantum Number- Spin Each suborbital can hold two electrons Electrons have different spins Represented by arrows pointing up or down
Quantum Numbers for Atom ID If you ID all the electrons in an atom, you can identify the atom by quantum numbers
Practice Helium Magnesium Gallium