Muscular System Revision Learning Objectives To recall information related to the muscular system. To understand key terms, definitions and specific language. To be able to answer questions related to the muscular system with confidence and accuracy.
Remember, remember the muscles! Learning Objectives To recall information related to the muscular system. To understand key terms, definitions and specific language. To be able to answer questions related to the muscular system with confidence and accuracy. You have 1 minute to remember as many muscle names as possible.
How many did you get? Identify on the picture the following muscles and colour them in… Deltoid Latissimus dorsi Pectoralis major Trapezius Teres minor Biceps brachii Triceps brachii Wrist flexors Wrist extensors Ilipsoas Gluteus maxiumus, medius and minimus Adductor longus, brevis and magnus Biceps femoris, semi-membranosus, semi-tendinosus Rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus intermedius, vastus medialis Tibialis anterior Soleus Gastrocnemius Learning Objectives To recall information related to the muscular system. To understand key terms, definitions and specific language. To be able to answer questions related to the muscular system with confidence and accuracy.
Retrieval Practise Challenge Grid What is your score? Name 2 muscles of the core What is the speed and force of contraction in slow oxidative muscle fibres? Name the 3 planes of movement Name the agonist and antagonist muscles in dorsi flexion What is a motor unit made up from? State the capillary density in the 3 types of muscle fibres Name the 2 types of isotonic muscle contraction Give 2 reasons why it is important to develop core strength What is the all or none law? Moderate (2) Hard (3) Hardest (4) Easy (1) Learning Objectives To recall information related to the muscular system. To understand key terms, definitions and specific language. To be able to answer questions related to the muscular system with confidence and accuracy.
Retrieval Practise Challenge Grid What is your score? Multifidus & transverse abdominus Speed of contraction – slow Force of contraction - low Frontal, sagittal & transverse Agonist- tibialis anterior Antagonist - gastrocnemius A group of fibres and its neurone Slow oxidative – high Fast oxidative glycolytic – high Fast glycolytic - low Eccentric & concentric Improves balance, posture and alignment./ Increases twisting strength/ The greater the core muscle tone, the greater the core stability and posture/ Minimises risk of injury and lower back pain. All fibres in a motor unit will contract at the same time and with maximum force if the action potential reaches a threshold charge. Easy (1) Moderate (2) Hard (3) Hardest (4)
Learning Objectives To recall information related to the muscular system. To understand key terms, definitions and specific language. To be able to answer questions related to the muscular system with confidence and accuracy. Think-pair-share Identify different movements and the muscles responsible for them THINK – you have 3 minutes silent, individual thinking time. PAIR – you now have 5 minutes to discuss with your partner the possible answers to the question. SHARE – share with the rest of the group and take some notes on examples they may have that you don’t.
Learning Objectives To recall information related to the muscular system. To understand key terms, definitions and specific language. To be able to answer questions related to the muscular system with confidence and accuracy. Exam questions Define the terms agonist, antagonist and fixator (3 marks). Identify a muscle responsible fore core stability and describe its role in life-long participation (4 marks) Using examples from a team game, identify and explain situations where fast glycolytic muscle fibres will be stimulated to contract (4 marks) A gymnast performs a tucked front somersault in a floor routine. Perform a movement analysis of the tucked position at the spine (6 marks)