Instructions to Get Access to PSAT Scores
Go to https://studentsc ores.collegeboard. org/home Access Code – do you need it?
Go to the Summary Report by Logging onto: You will see your total score and also how its broken down between reading/writing and math
How to link your college board account to Khan Academy Customize your tools on big future Customize your college list Don’t forget to register for SAT’s!
Feedback on the questions- How did you do? Each section is broken down into columns with the question #, Correct answer, your answer and difficulty. How can Ima learn from her answers?
Sat practice Go to Link your accounts Send your scores
Use the video below to interpret your scores for 10th or 11th grade bOhSzyig Or use the link below for a more detailed description of interpreting your PSAT scores: https://collegereadiness. t-10-understanding- scores.pdf
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