with broad-spectrum antibiotics Figure 1 An example of phlegmonous Crohn’s disease requiring 6 weeks treatment with broad-spectrum antibiotics Figure 1 | An example of phlegmonous Crohn's disease requiring 6 weeks treatment with broad-spectrum antibiotics. a | Axial True FISP (True fast imaging with steady state precession; Siemens, Munich, Germany) T2 weighted MRI (left-hand panel) and Axial T1 fat saturated post-contrast MRI (right-hand panel) showing enhancing phlegmon of intermediate T2 signal (*), thickened terminal ileum (arrow), oedematous iliacus (Il) and psoas (Ps). b | Baseline ultrasonography of right iliac fossa (RIF) performed in longitudinal section. Long heterogeneous area (arrows) can be seen overlying the ileopsoas (left-hand panel), in keeping with phlegmon with surrounding vascularity on colour Doppler (right-hand panel). c | Follow-up ultrasonography of right iliac fossa. No phlegmon seen after 6 weeks of treatment. Bo, bowel. Patel, K. V. et al. (2016) Patient optimization for surgery relating to Crohn’s disease Nat. Rev. Gastroenterol. Hepatol. doi:10.1038/nrgastro.2016.158