Sistema Inter-Americano de Metrología (SIM): Opportunities for Cooperation Claire Saundry, Ph.D. Director, International and Academic Affairs National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Eighth Regular meeting of the Inter-American Committee on Science and Technology Washington DC. November 14-15, 2013
Information about SIM Membership: National Metrology Institutes (NMIs) located in the 34 member nations of the OAS Mission: To promote and support an integrated measurement infrastructure in the Americas that ensures equity in the marketplace, improves the quality of life and facilitates international trade. International Role: Regional Metrology Organization (RMO) for the Western Hemisphere, one of 5 RMOs currently recognized within the framework of the International Committee on Weights and Measures Mutual Recognition Arrangement (CIPM MRA). 1994 Summit of the Americas: Declaration emphasized promoting prosperity through economic integration and free trade. 1995 Coordinating meeting in Rio de Janeiro; Revitalized SIM and Produced an Inter-American metrology project with 34 participant countries. 1995 Visit to NIST of Ambassadors to the Organization of American States
Recent Regional Efforts OAS/FEMCIDI - Metrology and National Measurement Standards to support Environmental Sustainability and the Enhancement of Human Health, Safety and Prosperity in the Americas (2010-2011) US Mission to the OAS - Enhancing National Measurement Infrastructure in the Americas (2011-2012) NIST - Advanced Internships (2011-2012) OAS/FEMCIDI - Strengthening National Metrology Institutes in the Hemisphere: an essential element in the development of National Quality Infrastructure (September 1, 2013 - August 31, 2016) US Mission to the OAS - Renewable Energy and Climate Science: Metrology and Technology Challenges in the Americas (October 2013 - September 2015) NIST - SIM Metrology School (2013) Capacity building and training Improve measurement capabilities Facilitate harmonization of measurements Increase exchange of information Raise awareness of the implications of metrology
Renewable Energy and Climate Science for the Americas: Workshop on Renewable Energy and Climate Science for the Americas: Metrology and Technology Challenges CENAM, Queretaro, Mexico October 8-9, 2013 Implementation of renewable energy and climate change related policies around the globe will require access to accurate, internationally recognized measurements and standards. These will be critical for both policy-making purposes as well as evaluating the impact of mitigation efforts. Such capabilities will be equally important for assessing the impact of energy and climate change policies on the economic development of each country. National Metrology Institutes (NMI) in each country need to be aware of the measurement and standards capabilities necessary for implementation of such policies.
SIM Metrology School 28 October – 1 November Familiarize students with measurement activities in all the SI units (beyond their areas of expertise); Provide skills that enable SIM NMIs to effectively review measurement capabilities, assess the quality systems, and perform regional key comparisons; Enhance the ability of the NMIs in the Western Hemisphere to achieve international acceptance of measurements; and Create a network of “new” metrologists and build the next generation of SIM leaders.
Up-Coming Events Planning underway for four workshops: Training - "Calibration of Oscillation Densimeters“ (Bogota, Colombia 16-18 December) Training - Biomedical equipment in CAMET (early 2014) Training - Statistics for Chemistry (early 2014) Training Workshop - Anti-Venom production - Sao Paulo, Brazil, February 24-26, 2014. Internships/Advanced Metrology Training
Partners Argentina - Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Industrial Ecuador - Instituto Ecuatoriano de Normalizacion Peru Instituto Nacional de Defensa de la Competencia y de la Proteccion de la Propiedad Intelectual Saint Lucia Bureau of Standards Antigua and Barbuda Bureau of Standards El Salvador - Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología St. Kitts and Nevis Bureau of Standards Bahamas Ministry of Lands and Local Government St. Vincent and the Grenadines; Government of Saint Vincent Grenada Bureau of Standards Barbados National Standards Institution Guatemala Centro Nacional de Metrología Suriname Metrology Unit Belize Bureau of Standards Guyana Bureau of Standards Trindidad and Tobago Bureau of Standards Bolivia - Instituto Boliviano de Metrología Haiti - Ministry of Commerce and Industry USA - National Institute of Standards and Technology Brazil - Instituto Nactional de Metrologia, Qualidade e Tecnologia Honduras - Centro Hondureño de Metrologia Venezuela Servicio Autonomo de Normalizacion Calidad y Metrologia # Jamaica Bureau of Standards Canada – National Research Council Mexico - Centro Nacional de Metrologia Laboratorio Tecnologico del Uruguay Chile - Instituto Nacional de Normalización Nicaragua - Laboratorio Nacional de Metrologia Colombia - Instituto Nacional de Metrología de Colombia El Centro Nacional de Metrología Costa Rica Laboratorio Costarricense de Metrología de Panamá Paraguay Instituto Nacional de Tecnologia y Normalizacion Dominica Bureau of Standards Dominican Republic Dirección General de Normas y Sistemas de Calidad # Inactive