Undergrad (UG)s committee David Feil-Seifer (also on college committee) Monica Nicolescu Ming Li Lei Yang Dongfang Zhao Sushil Louis (Chair)
Including these slides Undergrad committee http://www.cse.unr.edu/~sushil/admin/ugrad/ Including these slides
Items New “C or better” in all required courses needs “gradual” updates to course descriptions (DFS) David has prepared a plan, will be executed. Minor in Unmanned Autonomous Systems Any meetings? yet Manufacturing Quality/Product Excellence Premature? Ask Dept. then tell CCCC What is the criteria for including courses in the minor list? We have a new list from CSE. Any thoughts?
Items Data science minor CS 1 for engineers Course Frequencies Who has expertise and is interested in this area? Meetings to advance this concept CS 1 for engineers No objection but need resources Course Frequencies Any last minute updates? Will provide everyone a copy of updated spreadsheet shortly FYI: SCM 352 has been agreed to be an unrestricted technical elective We have to put this in catalog?
Items Math 301 / CS 365 Too much overlap Disallow after 2016?