8th Gr. Science – 12/17/15 Work on Lab Book Today’s Plan: Homework (write in planner!): Work on Lab Book Today’s Plan: Finish your Bottle Rocket! Tomorrow = Final Launch *After school launches today only for those who couldn’t launch yesterday due to lack of time.
Bottle Rocket Modification Day Check your parachute – design, folding method (it must deploy at apogee) Check your nosecone – shape, mass, clay, ability to stay on then fall off at apogee, tabs (everything needs to be balanced, stable, centered, etc.) **YOU MUST SECURE YOUR CLAY WITH DUCT TAPE (free) – if it releases from your nosecone during your launch, you will lose 10 points!! Check your fins – shape, placement, size, condition (shouldn’t be bent!) – check Hayhurst’s guide on Schoology In your Lab Book, record the following: mass of clay, total mass of nosecone (with clay), length of rocket, # of fins, length of fins, how far fins protrude from rocket. NO BUYING OR BUILDING TOMORROW!!