Doing Right by Our Service Veterans Veterans Advisory & Pensions Committee DJ WRIGHT Chairman SE VA&PC Aug 2010
Doing Right by Our Service Veterans A Brief History
Doing Right by Our Service Veterans Formerly known as War Pensions Committees established in 1921 Formed to assist the Ministry of Pensions Undertook adjudication and administration of; 1.grants to disabled ex-Servicemen; 2.organisation of the care of widows and neglected children; 3.Monitoring of Ministry of Pensions administration of the War Pension Scheme.
Now 13 VA&PCs in the U.K. Separate Committees in Isle of Man and Republic of Ireland Members are appointed by Secretary of State and are independent of Services Personnel & Veterans Agency Doing Right by Our Service Veterans
Role of VA&PC Advocacy for injured personnel, their dependants and veterans to accessing local services. Raise Awareness of War Pensions and Armed Forces Compensation Schemes and Veterans Welfare Service. Assist individuals with any problems or complaint they have regarding War Pensions or AFCS claims by; 1.ensuring welfare needs are met by VWS; 2.liaising with SPVA where no formal recourse to an independent body is available; 3.providing independent review of complaints 4.convening Independent Complaints Panel.
Doing Right by Our Service Veterans Veterans Advisory & Pensions Committee Any Questions? DJ WRIGHT Chairman SE VA&PC Aug 2010