ROME Art Culture Religion
Roman Entertainment: Gladiators The games took place in amphitheaters. Gladiators would be sent to the arena to fight to the death before cheering crowds. Eventually opposed by the elite classes
Roman Entertainment: Gladiators Successful gladiators were the movie stars of the first century Even free men wanted to take their chances in the arena. could become extremely rich and very famous. Each gladiator had their own unique weapons.
Roman Entertainment: Chariot Races
Roman Entertainment: Chariot Races An extreme, dangerous sport, in which drivers could die. Took place in a huge, oval shaped stadium that could seat nearly 200,000 spectators. Organized in four main teams – Red, White, Blue and Green. Eventually opposed by the elite classes
Roman Fashions Members of different classes even dressed differently. Only the emperor was allowed to wear a purple toga senators could wear a white toga with a broad purple stripe along the edge Equestrian togas had a narrow purple stripe
Roman Fashion Women Men
Roman Religion The Purpose: a force that bound families together, bound subjects to their ruler and bound men to the gods. The objective: to gain the blessing of the gods and thereby gain prosperity for themselves, their families and communities. Each god required: an image – usually a statue in stone or bronze – and an altar or temple at which to offer the prayers and sacrifices.
Worship Was divided Into 2 Public Private Spirits watched over people, families and households The man of the house was in charge of the household worship that honored them. Romans also had a set of public gods, such as Jupiter and Mars. colleges of priests paid tribute to these gods on behalf of Rome itself.
Additional Religions in Rome Christianity Judaism The first century also saw the birth of Christianity Christians in Rome suffered appalling persecution at times They would conquer Rome itself. Jewish communities had existed in the Roman Empire for centuries. The Jewish experienced brutal treatment in Alexandria, while a revolt in Judaea led to the destruction of the temple
Roman Art Roman art spans almost 1,000 years and three continents, from Europe into Africa and Asia. encompasses a broad spectrum of media including marble, painting, mosaic, gems, silver and bronze work, and terracottas it is common to see Greek and Egyptian influences throughout Roman art.
Who Made It? We don’t know much about who made Roman art. we know very little about Roman Artists because of a lack of documentary evidence such as contracts or letters. As a result, scholars do not refer to specific artists but consider them generally, as a largely anonymous group.