1 Migrating from Access to SQL Server Simon Kingston, CSU / NPS NRGIS.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Migrating from Access to SQL Server Simon Kingston, CSU / NPS NRGIS

2 Learning Goals/Agenda Differences between Access and SQL Server Why Move from Access to SQL Server? Important Installation Options for SQL Server 2005 Express (SSE) How to Migrate Data from Access to SSE* –Access Data Project (ADP) vs. Linked Tables –Case Study: NCCN – John Boetsch Objects in SSE / Managing the database with SQL Server Management Studio Express (SSMSE)* Sharing Data with SQL Server Express* Scripting the database with the SQL Server Database Publishing Wizard* Questions/Convert your own Databases *exercises

3 SQL Server 2005 Editions EditionCost (Processor License) DB SizeRAMFeatures Compact$04 GB+ Express$04 GB1 GB++ Developer$49No limit3 GB+++++ * Workgroup$3,899No limitOS max+++ Standard$5,999No limitOS max++++ Enterprise$24,999No limitOS max+++++

4 SSE FREE! Powerful database engine Free management tool – SQL Server Management Studio Express Integrates with Visual Studio Express Can act as a subscriber in replication Easy upgrade to other editions of SQL Server

5 Differences Between Access and SSE FeatureAccessSSE Database typeFile-basedServer-based Whats included?Db engine + UIDb engine SQL languageJet SQLT-SQL Size limit2 GB4 GB Constant useNot idealWorks well SecurityNot easyMore robust ScalabilityCareful w/moreMore users DevelopmentEasierMore work

6 You have a multi-user database with concurrent users You need to interchange data with other databases You are having performance problems You need better security You have spotty network reliability Why Move from Access to SQL Server?

7 Installing SSE Required.NET Framework 2.0 SQL Server 2005 Express Edition with Advanced Services* Optional SQL Server 2005 Express Edition Toolkit SQL Server 2005 Samples SQL Server 2005 Books Online SQL Server Migration Assistant for Access* SQL Server Database Publishing Wizard* *required for todays exercises

8 Installing SSE (continued) Key Installation Options –Not Everything is Installed by Default Replication Full Text Search Connectivity Components Software Development Kit Management Studio Express –Authentication Mode Windows Authentication or Mixed Mode –Collation Settings SSE installs secure by default –Many features are turned off by default for security

9 Migrating Data from Access to SSE Upsizing Wizard in Access SQL Server Migration Assistant (SSMA) for Access Importing from full-blown version of SQL Server Management Studio

10 Exercise Start the exercise and go up to the end of the section on reviewing the upsized/migrated databases Let me know if you have any problems or questions during the exercise

11 Access Data Project vs. Linked Tables Access Data Project (ADP)Linked SQL Server Tables Tables in SQL Server Action queries replaced by SQL Server stored procedures Action queries remain in Access Connect using OLEDB (Object Linking and Embedding Database) Connect via ODBC (Open Database Connectivity) and Jet Use ADO (ActiveX Data Objects) in VBA code Use either DAO (Data Access Objects) or ADO in VBA code Queries processed on server and results sent back Queries processed in Access, so more network traffic More complicated to implement Requires fewer changes to queries, code, etc. when using Access 2000, 2002, or 2003 with SQL Server 2005, you cant make adds or changes to the SQL Server database objects from your ADP

12 Case Study – NCCN – John Boetsch

13 ADP or Linked Tables or Something Else? Start out using Linked Tables –Tends to be easier, esp. if you already have a front-end developed in Access –Can be optimized to reduce network traffic, but if records returned start to get too big, look into ADP –Use the SSMA for Access to migrate If you really want client/server, look into ADP –If youve already got a front-end in Access that uses ADO –If you dont need local tables –Use the Upsizing Wizard to migrate Realize when its time to go with a web app. –Broad usage and you dont want to distribute/install/support a client application on many desktops

14 Objects in SSE / Managing the Database with SSMSE Database User Schema Table Index View Stored Procedure User-defined Function Trigger

15 Exercise Start the exercise at the section on Creating Objects in SQL Server using T-SQL and the SSMSE Interface and stop at the section on Sharing Data Let me know if you have any problems or questions during the exercise

16 Configuring SSE to Share Data SSE runs as a Windows Service SQL Server Configuration Manager –Change networking protocol settings –Change SQL Service options SQL Server Surface Area Configuration –Use this tool to enable, disable, start, or stop features, services, and remote connectivity

17 Exercise Do the exercise section on Sharing Data Let me know if you have any problems or questions during the exercise

18 Scripting the Database with the SQL Server Database Publishing Wizard Allows deployment of database to server by running script Allows database structure to be preserved in version control with application code

19 Exercise Do the exercise section on Scripting the Database with the SQL Server Database Publishing Wizard Let me know if you have any problems or questions during the exercise

20 Links SQL Server 2005 Express Edition SQL Server Migration Assistant for Access SQL Server DB Publishing Wizard 1.1 Convert Jet SQL to T-SQL cheat sheet Guide to Migrating from Access to SQL Server 2005Guide to Migrating from Access to SQL Server 2005 Optimizing Access Applications Linked to SQL ServerOptimizing Access Applications Linked to SQL Server Transact-SQL (T-SQL) Reference