V. Case 2009
Embedding SL into OTA program was a natural process Other programs had more challenges V. Case 2009
How can we help the other departments? What is our over all objective? How can we help students find PERSONALLY MEANINGFUL service learning projects? V. Case 2009
Open to all! Not a mandatory course (optional) V. Case 2009
1 Credit Hour = hours of service 2 Credit Hour =21 + hours We give a letter grade Could be a pass/fail course Students can take different tracks 1 and 2 credit at the same time 1 credit one semester and 2 credit another semester V. Case 2009
Define service learning Service learning vs. volunteerism Familiarity with Mission Connection with mission and service Identify personal interests, gifts and talents Select community partner Share outcomes V. Case 2009
Labs Trimester Project Reflection College Presentation Class Presentation V. Case 2009
Start the project selection immediately Write your own mission Professional Behavior Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) Dealing with people who are different True Colors Spiritual Gifts Project Planning V. Case 2009
Alone or with a partner Direct or indirect May not directly deal with their profession Always links to our college mission V. Case 2009
Goal is to fulfill a need that the site has and… Meet the educational and developmental need of the student Instructor may be present at site V. Case 2009
Background Checks Immunizations Insurance Contracts V. Case 2009
Video, Power Point, Tri-Fold Poster Should include the following: Title Service performed Location of service Why you chose the site What you learned/gained What recipients gained References V. Case 2009
Aspects of Class Presentation: Why you chose the project Needs of community setting Process taken to meet the need Personal reflections Final outcome of the project V. Case 2009
Several are downstairs in lobby Will also discuss in roundtables V. Case 2009
Most projects are hour/hour Brochure (hours/brochure) Teaching classes 3 classes with 3 different age groups Same age group must do more Include some prep time V. Case 2009
Communication with community partners Options change each semester Calculating hours for each student at college Keeping ideas fresh each semester Professional behavior issues Instructors needed to observe V. Case 2009
It changes every semester We are a stop gap V. Case 2009