Do Now – Complete the following columns on the “Lewis and Clark” Article: Knowledge Rating Chart: Review words in first column Using the scale at the top of the page (1-4) complete the Rating Before Reading column indicating any prior knowledge you have of the word Complete the What I Think It Means column with your best guess at a definition for each word *All columns of the Vocabulary chart must be completed and turned in with the finished article by Wednesday
What do you think is on the other side of this wall? Do Now: Analyze the 2 pictures. What do you notice about each? What do they have in common? What conclusions can you draw about the subjects of each?
Lewis and Clark Vocabulary: diplomacy = relating to foreign nations frontiersman = skilled in living off the land tributaries = water ways traversing = crossing over, traveling beyond vessels = ships contiguous = connected
First Read: What is the central idea of the article? Listen and follow along with the article being read, and be ready to answer the following questions afterward: What is the central idea of the article?
Second Read: Read paragraph 2 on your own and complete the following: According to the text, why were Lewis and Clark the best candidates for leading the journey?
Discussion: How would Lewis and Clark’s abilities as frontiersmen apply to the journey? What do you think is the most important skill an explorer of a new world needs? Why?
Third Read: Read paragraphs 3-5 on your own and complete the following: According to the article, what was the intent of the journey? According to the article, what resources were used to assist the Corps of Discovery on their journey?
Discussion: What were the successes and failures of the journey?
Fourth Read: Read paragraphs 6-7 and complete the following: According to the article, what can we learn from the journals of Lewis and Clark? 2. According to the article, what was the ultimate outcome of the journey of the Corps of Discovery?
Discussion: How was the journey of Lewis and Clark both a positive and negative experience?
Summary: How did the experiences of Lewis and Clark lead to further exploration and settlement in the present day United States?
Your Task: On the outline map provided complete the activities identifying the journey – key points and physical features. Also, draw and color a picture of something Lewis and Clark would have encountered on their journey.