SEAS Teaching Supply vs. Demand Analysis


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Presentation transcript:

SEAS Teaching Supply vs. Demand Analysis

Actuals – Undergraduate section and student credit hour counts Based on Fall 2016 and Spring 2017 enrollments Only includes sections with definite time/day or location Only sections above minimum (undergrad>12, grad>8)

Adjusted Demand Large classes split into multiple sections, mod(100) Labs and seminars = 0.5 sections (discounted) 6 grad sections per degree granting dept. CS MOU scaling

Supply Research Active ($200k or 5 pubs or 4 PhD)=1 section/semester Not Research Active=2 sections/semester Special circumstances: Assist Prof (1 in yr 1-3, 1.5 in yr 4-6 /semester) Admin (chair/dir=0.5, dean/provost=0 /semester) Teaching Faculty (3/semester) Department Admin (UG, grad, DDI -3 sections/semester/dept)

FY 2018 FTE not final (new hires, attrition, etc.) Worksheet for Chairs’ review and input (avail now, due July 1) Rationale for adjustments (faculty on leave, retirement, new faculty) Result will be used for balancing supply/demand (APMA, ENGR, etc.)