Parent Orientation Meetings


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Presentation transcript:

Parent Orientation Meetings Ms. Vaughn First Grade 2014-2015

Daily Schedule 8:35 Reading & Language Arts (Phonics/Reading/Grammar/Writing) 11:00 Lunch 11:30 Intervention/AR Time 12:00 Thematic Study (Science & Social Studies) 12:30 Math (Calendar) 12:50 P. E. 1:35 Math (Core Lesson) 2:15 Thematic Study (Science & Social Studies) 2:45 Free Choice Centers

Discipline Tickets/1-2-3 System Long Term/Short Term Consequences 1 – Warning/No Loss of Privileges 2 – Loses Daily Sticker and ½ of Free Choice Center Time 3 – Must Give Back a Sticker earned previously and loses all of their Free Choice Center Time for the day Positive Reinforcement When 20 stickers are accrued on sheet, students can turn in for a prize from our Treasure Chest.

Grading Categories/Weights Reading: Comprehension/Vocabulary 50% Phonics 40% Fluency 10% Math: Tests 80% Activities 10% Basic Time Fact Drill 10% Lang. Arts Grammar 30% Writing 40% Handwriting 15% Spelling 15%

Grading Categories/Weights Science/Soc. Studies: There are NO categories. All tests and activities carry equal weight. Work Study/Soc. Dev: Homework 40% Work Study 40% Conduct 20% In order to make the Honor Roll students must have A’s, B’s & S’s. An “N or U” in Work Study/Soc. Dev. will keep them off the Honor Roll. I give (1) Work Study and (1) Conduct grade (at the end of the quarter) to be averaged in with their Homework grade.

Work Study & Conduct Work Study (Work) Conduct (Behavior) How well did they follow directions (the first time)? Were they able to stay on task? Were they able to work independently? Did they consistently finish their work? Conduct (Behavior) Was there excessive talking? Did they treat teacher & classmates with respect? Did they keep their hands, feet and unkind comments to themselves? Did they follow school and class rules?

Grading Categories/Weights Grading Rubrics for Writing and Handwriting assignments have been emailed to you. Each quarter 2 DCA’s will be given. These will usually be scheduled for Weeks 3 and 6. Progress Reports will come home mid quarter. That report is yours to keep. Report Cards: All subjects will receive a letter grade. (PE &Work Study are the only exceptions: S, N, U are given) Retention Subjects: Reading and Math

Oh, Homework! Designed to reinforce skills taught in the classroom Assigned Weekly Always check Monday’s Newsletters for assignment details I don’t return homework but I do check for completion and accuracy. The number of points your child earns on their homework is based on those 2 areas. Homework will be accepted “late” the following Monday for a reduced number of points. If I do not receive it on Monday, students are given a zero for that week. Homework points are awarded weekly and can be found in the Work Study portion of their Progress Report.

Accelerated Reader School-wide Reading Program GOAL: 90% of students will score 85% or better on ALL AR Tests. We began AR last week. Our 1st grade goal is that each child earn 1 point a week which equals out to 2-3 AR book tests a week. Students read books on their independent level which are determined by their beginning and mid-year STAR scores. Students can track their progress on their individual Goal Charts. In-class incentive program: Weekly Drawing

Class Parties There are 2 parties each year: Christmas and End-of-the-Year The only times I will ask you for money for class celebrations Room Mom will contact you regarding participation and/or contributions Parents are welcome to join us for these celebrations. Since these parties are for Taylor- White students, younger siblings are not allowed.

Other Class Celebrations Halloween, Valentine’s Day, 100th Day of School, Easter, Birthdays These all fall under the category of “Special Snack.” Meaning that these celebrations are held only during snack time and are limited to teacher and students. Contributions/participation in these activities are completely voluntary.

Field Trips We will only go on 2 field trips this year. Please consider volunteering to serve as a chaperone for 1 or both of these trips. Chaperone Groups: Typically includes your child and one or two other children, depending on how many chaperones accompany us. Chaperone groups are listed in my newsletter the Monday before so that you’ll know ahead of time who’s been placed in your care. Younger siblings are not permitted to go on field trips with us. Chaperones are not allowed to follow the bus in their cars. They must ride bus in order to supervise students.

School to Home Communication Notes, emails and phone calls Weekly Homework Folder Weekly Newsletter – This is my main method of communication with you. PLEASE read each week. If you need to contact me email: school: 221-1465