contour line drawing Unit: Line
Contour line: the outline of a figure, body, or mass; a line that represents such an outline; a surface, especially of a curving form Follows the edges of shapes and clearly defines the various volumes and parts of the whole form; literally, it means “as if traced around with a thread”. Variation in pressure in response to the nearness or farness of a form from the eye. The gap between forms: larger = more distance between fore and aft forms.
CROSS-COUNTOUR DRAWING: Lines follow the edges, or contours, and also come through and across the forms. Accurately records information… not just about the outer edge of a 3-d form but also its inner dimensions.
Line qualities: Tonal variation: use conté or charcoal pencil to practice horizontal and vertical lines in close proximity to one another; vary distance to describe curve of surface Width of line Lyrical, fluid line (continuous line is in this group) Pressure Discontinuous line