Explanatory Essay (5) Paragraph essay
Introduction (Small topic) Why would someone need a survival kit? Write 1-2 sentences about ANY survival kit needed in life.
Introduction (Even smaller topic) Create a thesis statement. A THESIS statement is like a road map for your essay. It tells what your essay will cover. Write (1) sentence that answers that following question: What are the three most important items in the sixth grade survival kit? Explain why. Use details to support your answers such as personal experiences, feelings, and/or opinions. Example: I think that the three most important items in the sixth grade survival kit are ____, _____, and ____.
Paragraph 2 (First Body Paragraph) Use paragraph 2 to discuss the first item listed in your THESIS statement. Use details to support your answers such as personal experiences, feelings, and/or opinions. I feel that one of the most important items in the 6th grade survival kit is the sponge. In the poem the sponge represents students soaking up new knowledge. Well, that is why we are in school. Everyday that we are in school we learn new facts and form new opinions. These facts and opinions that we form will help us to be productive citizens one day.
Paragraph 3 (First Body Paragraph) Use paragraph 2 to discuss the first item listed in your THESIS statement. Use details to support your answers such as personal experiences, feelings, and/or opinions.
Paragraph 4 (First Body Paragraph) Use paragraph 2 to discuss the first item listed in your THESIS statement. Use details to support your answers such as personal experiences, feelings, and/or opinions.
How to write your conclusion.
Poem WELCOME TO SIXTH GRADE The cotton ball is to remind you that this room is full of kind words and warm feelings. The chocolate kiss is to comfort you when you are feeling sad. The Kleenex is to remind you to help dry someone’s tears. The stickers are to remind you that we will all stick together and help each other. The star is to remind you to shine and always to try to do your best. The red ribbon is to remind you that friendship ties our hearts together. The penny is to remind you to “pick out” the good qualities in each of your classmates. The Band-Aid is to heal hurt feelings in your friends and in yourself. The eraser is to remind you that we all make mistakes, and this is O.K. The life saver is to remind you that you can come to me if you need someone to talk to.