TUTORIAL 4.1 1. An inverting amplifier circuit using Op-amp 741 IC, a feedback resistor, Rf = 95 kΩ and input resistance, Rin is used in a feedback oscillator circuit. The output pin of the amplifier is connected to the three phase RC network that can generate 25 kHz frequency of oscillation. Assume that R1 = R2 = R3 = R, and C1 = C2 = C3 = C. Draw and name this oscillator circuit. Using capacitor values of 1 nF, find all other component values.
2. (i) State the Barkhausen criterions for oscillation and describe how the Wein-Bridge Oscillator meets the conditions for oscillation. (ii) Design a Wein-Bridge Oscillator to oscillates at 1 kHz using 0.02 F capacitors. The value of feedback resistor in the amplifier circuit is 10 kΩ. Draw the circuit and determine the required component values.
Given Rf = 20 kΩ and C1 = C2 = 0.01 F and R1 = R2 = 2 kΩ; (a) Design a Wein-Bridge oscillator with the given components. (b) Find RA and oscillation frequency, fo for the designed circuit. (c) If RA is set to 4.7 kΩ, what is the new RF?