Artist Comparison: Step 1: Step 2: Step 3: Choose an image from each artist. Copy these into a document. Step 2: Write a mini analysis of each image. Step 3: Compare the images and explain the meaning behind the image and explain how they link to the theme. Mini Analysis: Using an image of the artist’s work you need to analyse the piece to explore the question further. You may want to include: Process of perception What caught your eye? What stood out? What took you a while to notice? How did your eye move around the piece? Do you have an emotional reaction to the piece? Subject of the image (what is in the artwork.) What is in the piece? How does this link to your theme? Formal Elements: Explain the artist’s use of colour, shapes, form, texture, tone, pattern, composition etc. as appropriate to the piece. Technique What techniques has the artist employed? How does this impact the overall outcome? Compare: Include relevant critical information and your opinion on how they link to the theme, is this through technique, use of materials or style. You may want to include: Technique/specialism Have the artists used the same or different media? What techniques are similar or different? What is the overall outcome? Influence What are the artist’s intentions and main aims within this piece? Do they explore society, cultural, historical, media contexts? How will you take inspiration from them both? Opinion / Preference Which of the two artists do you prefer? Explain your reasons. Which do you think more successfully link to the theme?